Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45

Tomorrow's Raw will be taped so please use spoilers on everything that goes on in the show.
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Oh yeah Rey Mysterio Jr Jr
Why hasn't that been showcased at all recently? Is it really that hard to take the title off his hands and give it to Cesaro or KO
Hell yeah I would, but I wouldn't fall in love or nothing. Not wise to date any professional athlete that travels. They all cheat.

But since I'm in the business naw, but I would smash a few if the opportunity came.
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I say it everytime I see Gigi. Why cant the girl jump into porn :lol: :frown: Clearly she has been left behind but she still fresh off tough enough. Why not her instead of old Sunny :frown:
been slacking on ROH just watched the latest episode available on the site when one of the bucks kicks ACH and they put a banana peel on the ground saying he slipped :rofl: and then kenny sweeps it under the ring :rofl: :roolin :rofl:
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