Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45

So DC has been warned multiple times but yet still chooses to post random stuff like NBA vids? :lol:

DC trollin like a toddler trying to figure out how long their leash is with their parents. 

Teacher's Pet! Pat Patterson & Gerald Briscoe would be proud!
Apparently it was the Rock's management team who nixed the idea in having him be the guest ref. in the Reigns/HHH match at WM32. They wanted to keep him away from the Reigns boo's.
It's cause we can't be ourselves without worrying that we're gonna get snitched on..

Pro wrestling for thread topic purposes..

The most annoying part is the thread getting policed when it was totally fine how it was for almost a decade if not longer and the dude doing the reporting probably doesn't even post in the thread.
The video game console threads violate worse than we ever did and don't even get me started on the sport team threads. God forbid the 10% of NT that likes wrestling bond over it.

I keep telling you guys that nobody is snitching. We've brought enough attention to ourselves that Cobra Commander is just lurking, waiting in us to screw up. Look no further than him continuing to quote people and defend his decisions. People thought it was funny to play around and tag him in fake reports, and look where it got us.

Now, since I'd better talk about wrestling... I have Reds tix tonight and I need to figure out if I should avoid Raw spoilers and just watch it after I get home, or say to hell with it and just spoiler away.
Complaining isn't really going to change anything though. I don't completely agree with it either but it's his decision.

But I don't even think he was saying you can't go off topic at all but more so don't let it dominate the thread.
Complaining isn't really going to change anything though. I don't completely agree with it either but it's his decision.

But I don't even think he was saying you can't go off topic at all but more so don't let it dominate the thread.

I agree with the complaining part. We just gotta drop it and move on.

Crazy that Raw is in England tonight! (Obligatory pro wrestling comment)

How severe is Wyatt's injury? The Wyatt family should just be written off altogether and come back fresh with some better booking once they are all healthy. The face turn is actually a good look seeing as Wyatt's promo's got stale quick.

Curious to see if Balor or Joe come up tonight with these injuries and how it ties into the Bullet Club/Styles/Reigns

Seth :nerd:
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Apparently it was the Rock's management team who nixed the idea in having him be the guest ref. in the Reigns/HHH match at WM32. They wanted to keep him away from the Reigns boo's.
Smart team.

Pretty sure Rocky didn't want to be involved either; his own cousin would hurt his rep.

Balor debuting in London would be pretty cool. Wonder what the big surprise will be....
Booking The Bullet Club

Damn good booking proposal for Gallows and Anderson :nerd:

Booking The Bullet Club


Blake Mitchamore

If you follow wrestling news sites this week you saw a new rumor surface. What if Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson side with Roman Reigns instead of AJ Styles? When I first heard it I thought it was absolutely stupid. The more I thought about it, the more I got intrigued about the possibility of it.

I think this angle could be potentially very big for the WWE. They have to execute it correctly though. You have to stay patient because you can’t rush this.

The debut of Anderson and Gallows was the perfect start if you’re heading down this road. Their path of destruction must continue.

I would not have Gallows and Anderson join in the Tag Team Tournament. You don’t need to have Gallows and Anderson join AJ Styles or even show their affiliation at Payback. For the next few weeks Gallows and Anderson don’t need to show any affiliation or have any matches. They simply need to show up every week and attack different talents on the roster. If Shane McMahon remains the on-air authority figure they can even attack at him one point. Don’t have them cut any promos or reveal their reason for being in WWE. You have to keep it a mystery.

To execute this angle you’re also going to rely on the announcers to help tell and sell the story. During the attacks Michael Cole will question why this is happening. As the “heel” announcer JBL has to start drawing parallels to their previous relationship with AJ Styles painting AJ as the guy who may possibly be behind all of this.

At Payback I would have Gallows and Anderson attack both AJ Styles and Roman Reigns in the main event. Payback would go off the air with no winner and Gallows and Anderson standing over both men leaving them beaten and battered. The following night on Raw would see Gallows and Anderson booked in their first match in WWE. This match would be the main event of Extreme Rules. That match would be Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows vs. AJ Styles and Roman Reigns.

These four men would beat the hell out of each other for the duration of the match. At the end of the match AJ styles would head to his corner to give Roman Reigns the “hot tag” but he wouldn’t be there. Instead Roman would hold up the “too sweet” symbol to Anderson and Gallows symbolizing their union and revealing the plan to the world. From there all three men would commence to beating down AJ Styles.

The Monday after Extreme Rules Roman Reigns would reveal to the world that he recruited Gallows and Anderson to the WWE. Revealing that he tried to rely on his family like Dean Ambrose and The Usos but every time The Authority stacked the decks on him those guys were nowhere to be found. He had no choice but to recruit some high priced mercenaries to help him build his empire. When he scoured the world the top guys out there were Anderson and Gallows.

At Money in the Bank AJ Styles would lose to Roman Reigns again thanks to the interference of Gallows and Anderson. This defeat would lead AJ to recruit some help of his own setting up a mega main event for Battleground in July. AJ would go to the two people that know Roman Reigns better than anyone. Dean Ambrose and a returning from injury Seth Rollins. At Extreme Rules I would execute another swerve to the WWE universe. I would have AJ Styles turn on Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose joining Reigns, Gallows and Anderson.

If you remember back to the early days of the NWO the Giant fought Hulk Hogan and then became the fourth man just a few weeks later. AJ Styles can do the same thing here. Doing that would create a true top heel stable and a modern day NWO for the WWE. From that point you can add a couple of more key talents and even bring in an Authority figure ala Eric Bischoff back in the day. Maybe this is the way you bring back Triple H or Stephanie McMahon to television. The key thing is just don’t over saturate it and make it a 15 person group like the NWO became. Keep it to 5 or 6 talents and one authority figure.

If thing angle seems like a rehash of the original NWO that’s because it is. It’s been twenty years since Scott Hall debuted on Monday Nitro. Enough time has passed, you can execute something like it again. Doing this give WWE a major summer angle to play out that would intrigue the fan base and possibly bring new eyes to the product. Something that WWE really needs right now with their sagging TV Ratings.

Inserting Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows into the tag team tournament immediately is a mistake. There is plenty of time for them to win the tag team championship down the line. Use their debut to create a major storyline and something that could provide programming for the better part of the next year for the WWE fans.
Booking The Bullet Club

Damn good booking proposal for Gallows and Anderson :nerd:

Booking The Bullet Club


Blake Mitchamore

If you follow wrestling news sites this week you saw a new rumor surface. What if Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson side with Roman Reigns instead of AJ Styles? When I first heard it I thought it was absolutely stupid. The more I thought about it, the more I got intrigued about the possibility of it.

I think this angle could be potentially very big for the WWE. They have to execute it correctly though. You have to stay patient because you can’t rush this.

The debut of Anderson and Gallows was the perfect start if you’re heading down this road. Their path of destruction must continue.

I would not have Gallows and Anderson join in the Tag Team Tournament. You don’t need to have Gallows and Anderson join AJ Styles or even show their affiliation at Payback. For the next few weeks Gallows and Anderson don’t need to show any affiliation or have any matches. They simply need to show up every week and attack different talents on the roster. If Shane McMahon remains the on-air authority figure they can even attack at him one point. Don’t have them cut any promos or reveal their reason for being in WWE. You have to keep it a mystery.

To execute this angle you’re also going to rely on the announcers to help tell and sell the story. During the attacks Michael Cole will question why this is happening. As the “heel” announcer JBL has to start drawing parallels to their previous relationship with AJ Styles painting AJ as the guy who may possibly be behind all of this.

At Payback I would have Gallows and Anderson attack both AJ Styles and Roman Reigns in the main event. Payback would go off the air with no winner and Gallows and Anderson standing over both men leaving them beaten and battered. The following night on Raw would see Gallows and Anderson booked in their first match in WWE. This match would be the main event of Extreme Rules. That match would be Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows vs. AJ Styles and Roman Reigns.

These four men would beat the hell out of each other for the duration of the match. At the end of the match AJ styles would head to his corner to give Roman Reigns the “hot tag” but he wouldn’t be there. Instead Roman would hold up the “too sweet” symbol to Anderson and Gallows symbolizing their union and revealing the plan to the world. From there all three men would commence to beating down AJ Styles.

The Monday after Extreme Rules Roman Reigns would reveal to the world that he recruited Gallows and Anderson to the WWE. Revealing that he tried to rely on his family like Dean Ambrose and The Usos but every time The Authority stacked the decks on him those guys were nowhere to be found. He had no choice but to recruit some high priced mercenaries to help him build his empire. When he scoured the world the top guys out there were Anderson and Gallows.

At Money in the Bank AJ Styles would lose to Roman Reigns again thanks to the interference of Gallows and Anderson. This defeat would lead AJ to recruit some help of his own setting up a mega main event for Battleground in July. AJ would go to the two people that know Roman Reigns better than anyone. Dean Ambrose and a returning from injury Seth Rollins. At Extreme Rules I would execute another swerve to the WWE universe. I would have AJ Styles turn on Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose joining Reigns, Gallows and Anderson.

If you remember back to the early days of the NWO the Giant fought Hulk Hogan and then became the fourth man just a few weeks later. AJ Styles can do the same thing here. Doing that would create a true top heel stable and a modern day NWO for the WWE. From that point you can add a couple of more key talents and even bring in an Authority figure ala Eric Bischoff back in the day. Maybe this is the way you bring back Triple H or Stephanie McMahon to television. The key thing is just don’t over saturate it and make it a 15 person group like the NWO became. Keep it to 5 or 6 talents and one authority figure.

If thing angle seems like a rehash of the original NWO that’s because it is. It’s been twenty years since Scott Hall debuted on Monday Nitro. Enough time has passed, you can execute something like it again. Doing this give WWE a major summer angle to play out that would intrigue the fan base and possibly bring new eyes to the product. Something that WWE really needs right now with their sagging TV Ratings.

Inserting Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows into the tag team tournament immediately is a mistake. There is plenty of time for them to win the tag team championship down the line. Use their debut to create a major storyline and something that could provide programming for the better part of the next year for the WWE fans.
I'll pass.
Tired of them shoving Reigns into stuff.
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