Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45

My girl just asked me the most important question I've ever been asked: "can we watch Lucha Underground?"... Yup, she's a ******* keeper :lol:...
She seems smart outside of dating you. Who's her favorite wrestler? What got her into wrestling?


She really just likes LU... I showed it to her hoping she'd like it because of how different it is... I succeeded :lol:... She said likes Ivalisse and Fenix most when I just asked...
Baron Corbin my new favorite wrestler for washing that bum Ziggler.
Kalisto is going nowhere the U.S. title is dead.
Great stuff by Miz and Maryse.
Goldust needs to retire.
**** Enzo
Joe and Nakamura need to be on the main roster asap..They'll be instantly over once they debut..
Sooooo Yoshi Tatsu started "Hunter Club" and now dresses like HHH, spits out the water, and uses a Pedigree :lol:
Sooooo Yoshi Tatsu started "Hunter Club" and now dresses like HHH, spits out the water, and uses a Pedigree :lol:

wont even be mad at a DQ finish with them coming out nWo style and ruining the main event. that is when a DQ finish IS acceptable
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