Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45

Invasion attack on now. Kevin kelly and steve corino doing commentary. Hopefully i can make it through the whole show without passing out.
These gifs are making me think she's a blonde Eva Marie :lol: .  Am I underrating her or what? :nerd:

If the E brought her back just to be Miz's valet then I think I can live with that.  She has a Sable 2.0 look :pimp: .

Maryse is honestly 5x the wrestler Eva is.

But that's not saying much :lol:

She was an excellent heel though
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Maryse is honestly 5x the wrestler Eva is.

But that's not saying much :lol:

She was an excellent heel though


Beyond her looks I always tuned in when she had that run in 2009 as the Women's Champion because she was pretty good in the ring and played her heel role well. Dope theme music too.
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Interesting to hear the people actually booing okada. Should be a good match, the crowd seems heavily invested and the match hasn't even started yet.
Yeah that sounds about right

Though I would say Summer is slightly better

Summer's in-ring ability is low key respectable.  She's a solid mid-carder, in my opinion.  Maybe Maryse can be a decent addition to the diva's roster then.

This. Maryse was awful but had [has] so much charisma and could talk, and great to look at. Eva has looks and not a single thing else :lol:
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Debut at SummerFest would be perfect imo

They need to have Miz hold the belt til SummerFest and do open challenges all the way up until the ppv..Have him come out to the ring and cut a promo about how nobody can beat him and nobody is on his level..Shinsuke's music hits and he squashes Coral's punching bag in less than 5 minutes..

Ala Tazz vs Angle at the 2000 Rumble :pimp: .
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