Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45

Gave in got tix for raw on Monday at staples. Figured I won't be going to any other event all year.
Man, this KUSHIDA vs Will Osplay match was VICIOUS!!!!!!!
KUSHIDA is so damn good man. My goodness

When young Osplay learns how to slow things down and not go 100 MPH all the time, he will be great.
Man, this KUSHIDA vs Will Osplay match was VICIOUS!!!!!!!
KUSHIDA is so damn good man. My goodness

When young Osplay learns how to slow things down and not go 100 MPH all the time, he will be great.

About 2 minutes into it now..Kushida is legit..And Ospreay is great in the ring, but he does need to slow down about 20%..
Other than Angle, what has been Bork's best/most high profile feud since he debuted in WWE?

His feud with Taker was fantastic... The first feud I mean :lol:... The first HIAC between them is my favorite HIAC ever...

Gave in got tix for raw on Monday at staples. Figured I won't be going to any other event all year.
Dog, you live in LA.

Drive to PWG.

Drive down to Tijuana

You have so many options in So CAL

Jebus Christmas... Dude NEEDS to go to PWG...
I want to go to a show bola. Bola>>>>>>>>>WM

This man knows... I want to go to 3 days of BOLA over any wrestling show on America/Canadia...

Man, this KUSHIDA vs Will Osplay match was VICIOUS!!!!!!!
KUSHIDA is so damn good man. My goodness

When young Osplay learns how to slow things down and not go 100 MPH all the time, he will be great.

He's been wrestling less than 3 years :x... He'll learn eventually...
Man, this KUSHIDA vs Will Osplay match was VICIOUS!!!!!!!
KUSHIDA is so damn good man. My goodness

When young Osplay learns how to slow things down and not go 100 MPH all the time, he will be great.
He's been wrestling less than 3 years
... He'll learn eventually...
Yes, he will indeed learn.. under the NXT system and Honner.
EVERYONE needs to slow down.

I guess it is funny when you think about how Indy-rific wrestlers of today grew up on WCW Cruiserweights, NJPW Jrs, All Japan Heavyweights and they all try to get as much of THAT into their movesets/matches as humanly possible.

That is why the 90s were better. Match quality especially. It wasn't so much STUFF in matches that needed to get put in. Better blend of ground/power/flying. 

Plus the world is so small now that everyone wrestles the same.
yo speaking of JJ i saw on squared circle that apparently he showed up super drunk to a match recently and caused it to go super over the time limit
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