Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Cena SHOULD get a rematch at NOC..........just to be beaten again........play into the Never Give Up act.
All these ******* marks are complaining about Lesnar being a part timer and winning. Get over yourselves smh

The belts look legit and sick on Brock
It would be believable if dbry had help from somebody to beat Brock. Like cena just blacks out and beats lesnar down with a chair while the ref is knock out

There weren't any 5* matches or anything but it was entertaining throughout.

Cena getting obliterated was the icing on the cake.
Man I was sleep for everything but Dolph and Double D Bella turning heel. The rest of that stuff could have been on a RAW or something
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Here goes my perfect cena angle...

Cena dissappears off of tv for awhile maybe have him return at Survivor Series. Have him come out to make the save from Kane HHH and whoever else is in the Authority beating down Roman ( just saying him for the sake of him still being in line for the huge face run) and have him turn heel and join in on the beating.
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