Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

This constant use of the MOTY phrase needs to stop..It's starting to get to the level of the "This Is Awesome" chant..You're better than that NTWT, so just stop now..
This constant use of the MOTY phrase needs to stop..It's starting to get to the level of the "This Is Awesome" chant..You're better than that NTWT, so just stop now..
So when can someone say MOTY? or there is no match of the year? I'm lost
Solid match to when Demon Kane popped in...

Great Match yes. Match of the Year no. I need Kane to tear an ACL or something. No need for his garbage interference. Who is Suicide Seth about to feud with next? Thoughts NTWT.
great match, glad they are bringing the rugged hardcore style back. they saving us from that PG crap that was getting forced on us.
Great Match yes. Match of the Year no. I need Kane to tear an ACL or something. No need for his garbage interference. Who is Suicide Seth about to feud with next? Thoughts NTWT.
Not much faces left and too early for him and roman... Man if they make bray a face I would say him
So when can someone say MOTY? or there is no match of the year? I'm lost

I'm glad you asked..I will let you know when it is, or is not, ok to use the MOTY terminology..Any use of such phrase before it has been pre-approved by me will result in a swift and harsh penalty..

Which will really just be me quoting your post with the mandatory "reported" underneath..
Don't test me..
While I cant see Seth even having a chance @ cashing in on Brock. I think it would be cool to hold off Ambrose's return until Rollins is going to try to cash in. Kind of restart the feud once he gets back. 

But on a side note. I dont see any conceivable story line where Seth can actually cash in successfully. They kinda **** the bed with MITB this year. But we'll see. Maybe he does wait till the the night after WM like Ziggler and cashes in on Reigns
So when can someone say MOTY? or there is no match of the year? I'm lost

I'm glad you asked..I will let you know when it is, or is not, ok to use the MOTY terminology..Any use of such phrase before it has been pre-approved by me will result in a swift and harsh penalty..

Which will really just be me quoting your post with the mandatory "reported" underneath..
Don't test me..

pahhhhhh .. you funny man.. Please inbox me when the MOTY occurs incase I am not on the online
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