Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

The thing about Orton is that he can be unmotivated. Incredibly talented and incredibly smooth. Once he's on, he is on. He is the wrestling equivalent of Tracy McGrady
Am I the only who noticed Bray Wyatt doing all the Nakamura stuff at Summerfest?... He did his mannerisms 4 or 5 times during the match... It marked out during them...

Can you find an example?..I know it's very soon after S.F., but there has to be some video you can show us..

No video lol...

He first did on the outside... When he was about to charge at y2j who was in/on the corner of the ring...

Also did it when y2j was crothched in corner...
I love how they had Brock destroy Kal-El at S.S., but for their next match they've got to have it be a more even contest for the majority of the match..If not then there is no plausible way you can have Bork feud with anyone..Cause if Silver Surfer Cena can't come close to beating him, then how could any mere mortal stand a chance..

If they book the next match more evenly with Cena getting a good amount of offense in, but still getting crushed in the end, it'll probably be my match of the year. Those few flurries that Cena got in at SS only to get crushed by and F5 or a German were :wow:. Almost lost it during the first 30 sec of the match :lol:
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The thing about Orton is that he can be unmotivated. Incredibly talented and incredibly smooth. Once he's on, he is on. He is the wrestling equivalent of Tracy McGrady

Disagree. Every time he gets in the ring he puts on a show. He's just a ***hole backstage, or used to be.
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I never really bought into Orton. He's not boring but some of you guys make him out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I never really bought into Orton. He's not boring but some of you guys make him out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.
He's certainly better than most in the ring though...

yea he's good i don't dislike him, I just don't care for him. His arrogance is annoying because it's part of his gimmick but he doesn't play it as well as others


I'll never get tired watching these two in a match :pimp:
What if we get jeans vs lesnar at wm31? What if the crowd got sick of wwe pushing reigns down our throats. Say come January the crowd forces wwes hand ala Daniel Bryan last year and we instead get dean vs brock. The crowd surely is behind dean. Then seth cashes in on dean and we still get the continued feud of seth/dean and seth will draw tons of heat
Yeah, feed Orton next, then Batista for Survivor Series. In the meantime, build back Mark Henry's Hall of Pain so they can collide at the Rumble, which Reigns wins and have the obvious Reigns/Lesnar at WM next year.
I would really like this, considering Brock hasnt had meaningful match against Orton or Batista ever. Then instead of Mark Henry, have him feud with Jericho for a while (current undisputed champ vs 1st undisputed champ) before Wrestlemania against Dean.
I would really like this, considering Brock hasnt had meaningful match against Orton or Batista ever. Then instead of Mark Henry, have him feud with Jericho for a while (current undisputed champ vs 1st undisputed champ) before Wrestlemania against Dean.

Oh good gawd NO..Jericho is done man..He needs to retire and call it a career..After Bray beats him to end the feud, I'd love to see him leave his boots in the ring..
Does anybody leave and come back more than Y2J? :lol:

Disagree. Every time he gets in the ring he puts on a show. He's just a ***hole backstage, or used to be.
Every time? I disagree there. There are times where he clearly looks unmotivated. 

Daniel Bryan is a wrestler who brings it every single time.

I don't watch as much some of yall but every time I've seen him in a big match with Cena or DBry he brings it. He basically did Reigns a big favor on Summerslam with that match. It's not that many dudes that are as good as him in the ring on this current roster. DBry and Ziggler come to mind but that's about it.
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