Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

As seen by my AVY [ :smile: ] and previous posts I've been a Randall fan. Effortless precision in the ring for years. I'll never flip flop on that. Me and Dolph have had some falling out from time to time but I always enjoy his performances and it seems since HHH made public notice of him not hating the man he's been getting a lot more wins.
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I thought Christain won more against him :lol:

Nah man, both of Christian's title reigns he was pussified :lol:, he was losing al the time, and really only got the title cause of Edge's injury. You don't remember when Sheamus Brogue Kicked his head off through that drum :lol:? Christian ate 12 Brogue Kicks and 17 RKOs between 2011-2014
I don't know what it is about Orton that just makes me not like him..Maybe it's cause I missed the whole Legend Killer thing..Or maybe it's cause I missed the majority of his title runs..I don't know..I do know that when I got back into wrestling 3-4 yrs ago all I knew about him was he had already had an insane amount of title runs too early in his career, he had/has a bad attitude back stage, and he fails drug tests..So I guess I feel like he's an ungrateful bastard and doesn't deserve what he's been given..Plus, other than that snap power slam and the RKO, I just ain't overly impressed..That whole "spin around, fall to the ground, pound the canvas" thing to me is flat out ******ed..He doesn't do great promos (that I've seen since being back into wrestling)..And last but not least, I can't stand his ugly *** baby teeth..
I was never bored by Ortons mic skills.

Nah man, both of Christian's title reigns he was pussified :lol:, he was losing al the time, and really only got the title cause of Edge's injury. You don't remember when Sheamus Brogue Kicked his head off through that drum :lol:? Christian ate 12 Brogue Kicks and 17 RKOs between 2011-2014
That RKO on the steps was all bad too. Christian has has been in a lot of crazy spots over his career. I'm surprised with his frame he's able to take such punishment sometimes. Tough dude. I met him way back when me and the wife went up to Sacramento for a PPV(the Bash) and he was nice to me. We stayed at the same hotel as some of the talent did. Tommy Dreamer on the other hand was a buster. Looked pissed off and barely acknowledged us. Unfortunately I don't have pics so I know in accordance with Niketalk tradition it may as well have never happened.
I don't know what it is about Orton that just makes me not like him..Maybe it's cause I missed the whole Legend Killer thing..Or maybe it's cause I missed the majority of his title runs..I don't know..I do know that when I got back into wrestling 3-4 yrs ago all I knew about him was he had already had an insane amount of title runs too early in his career, he had/has a bad attitude back stage, and he fails drug tests..So I guess I feel like he's an ungrateful bastard and doesn't deserve what he's been given..Plus, other than that snap power slam and the RKO, I just ain't overly impressed..That whole "spin around, fall to the ground, pound the canvas" thing to me is flat out ******ed..He doesn't do great promos (that I've seen since being back into wrestling)..And last but not least, I can't stand his ugly *** baby teeth..
Yeah. Check out his Legend Killer days. And even the RNN(randy news network) he was shining. He does benefit from nepotism, but he's legit in ring. And I thought you'd like him cause his gimmick is quite serious most of the time...
Orton is only as exciting as who he is in the ring with. Somebody find the match that Bryan made him tap while choking him with the "Kendall Stick"
Randy News Network :lol:

I don't know how anyone could not be a fan of this guy!

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Nah man, both of Christian's title reigns he was pussified :lol:, he was losing al the time, and really only got the title cause of Edge's injury. You don't remember when Sheamus Brogue Kicked his head off through that drum :lol:? Christian ate 12 Brogue Kicks and 17 RKOs between 2011-2014
I am getting too old. It's coming back to me now.
When Randy was fresh out of Evolution and had the entrance pyros >>>>>>>>

Straight God status. :pimp:
Orton is only as exciting as who he is in the ring with. Somebody find the match that Bryan made him tap while choking him with the "Kendall Stick"

Ooooooooh man RNN Randy was :rofl: the way those promos would interrupt people's matches were on some BET type editing stuff
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Yeah. Check out his Legend Killer days. And even the RNN(randy news network) he was shining. He does benefit from nepotism, but he's legit in ring. And I thought you'd like him cause his gimmick is quite serious most of the time...

Y'all know I love me a serious gimmick, but I just can't dig Randy too much..And going back and trying to watch Legend Killer stuff out of context is pointless..I'm just not a fan and it'll have to stay that way..I do respect his ring work, I just don't feel it's anything great..

Orton is only as exciting as who he is in the ring with.

Everything about THIS.
RVD should be built up to face Brock. There feud in 02 was great. Both were younger and slimmer :lol:
Orton is only as exciting as who he is in the ring with. Somebody find the match that Bryan made him tap while choking him with the "Kendall Stick"
I immediately thought about that one time he faced the celtics warrior and the crowd was chanting randy savage.

I was sad :frown:
Am I the only who noticed Bray Wyatt doing all the Nakamura stuff at Summerfest?... He did his mannerisms 4 or 5 times during the match... It marked out during them...
I love how they had Brock destroy Kal-El at S.S., but for their next match they've got to have it be a more even contest for the majority of the match..If not then there is no plausible way you can have Bork feud with anyone..Cause if Silver Surfer Cena can't come close to beating him, then how could any mere mortal stand a chance..
Am I the only who noticed Bray Wyatt doing all the Nakamura stuff at Summerfest?... He did his mannerisms 4 or 5 times during the match... It marked out during them...

Can you find an example?..I know it's very soon after S.F., but there has to be some video you can show us..
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