Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

All 3 were on some of FCW, with Rollins being the only one on NXT when they made that transition
The amount of confidence these dudes had one they first debuted was incredible. They looked so damn natural in that first match
John Pollock chats with former WWE lead writer Alex Greenfield about a bunch of issues including:

--The reaction to SummerSlam from this past weekend

--The main event booking of Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena

--Cena being phased down

--The decision to go with the rematch at Night of Champions

--Whether there will be a dropoff in network subscribers once the first six-month mark is up

--The rise of Roman Reigns and if he is the best choice for Lesnar down the road

--Dave Bautista's eventual return

--Stephanie McMahon and Brie Bella match along with the Nikki turn

--Impact moving to Wednesday nights and what this means

--The status of Bound for Glory in Japan

--Bully Ray's future with TNA

--Who he would theoretically fit into the WWE mix with

--More on the Paul Heyman documentaries

--Alex's work with Heyman in 2006 when ECW re-launched and lots more

How WWE Officials View Dean Ambrose’s Status

Word coming from backstage in WWE is that while Dean Ambrose might be cultivating quite a strong following as a singles competitor in WWE, officials don’t yet view him as a main event player.

WWE gon' WWE :smh:
Imagine the rush Reigns gets when he walks out of that tunnel and stands at the top of those steps and see EVERYONE looking at him. Seems like you get a different, higher, rush than you would get if you were just walking down the ramp.

This is a damn good documentary man.

What is the first match on IMPACT tapings tonight? I need to a take a shower. Don't want to miss anyone good
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