Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

No funny stuff but Rollins body crazy


Daniel Bryan needs Tommy John surgery.

Just read about it..Seems like a pretty legit source too..

David Shoemaker, author of The Squared Circle: Life, Death and Professional Wrestling, noted on his Twitter that he's heard Daniel Bryan needs Tommy John surgery and will be out at least 3 more months. Shoemaker also is a journalist for Grantland.com and Deadspin.com. He wrote:

"I'm hearing Daniel Bryan needs Tommy John surgery and will be out at least 3 more months."

Tommy John Surgery is a procedure where the ulnar collateral ligament in the medial elbow is replaced with a tendon from somewhere else in the body. The procedure is common among athletes, especially baseball players. It was named after the first baseball player to undergo the surgery, former MLB pitcher Tommy John.
Was I wrong to assume the WWE Network subscription would include EVERY NEW PPV? They are now just advertising every PPV until the Royal Rumble in January. Is anyone else confused by this or am I late to something?
Was I wrong to assume the WWE Network subscription would include EVERY NEW PPV? They are now just advertising every PPV until the Royal Rumble in January. Is anyone else confused by this or am I late to something?
That's just what 6 months cover.
Oh crap the SS shield documentary was on tonight??

WWE sends the most useless notifications from its app on my phone. And they chose not to alert me of this?
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