Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Serious question, ya think that yes chant had a little part of hurting dbrys shoulders,I mean doing it night after night multiple time I'm sure I didn't help.
Serious question, ya think that yes chant had a little part of hurting dbrys shoulders,I mean doing it night after night multiple time I'm sure I didn't help.
if anything, i feel like it helped. thats a good stretch right there. any physical therapist will use that motion to rehab your shoulder

but in all seriousness, its the diving headbutt that kiled him. 
Lol just got back from getting heavily medicated ,got me thinking random thoughts Lol I'll be back with more after I eat
The Great Sanada huh? SMH

Serious question, ya think that yes chant had a little part of hurting dbrys shoulders,I mean doing it night after night multiple time I'm sure I didn't help.
:lol: Frank you high man?

Anyways man.

When they explained all of the AJ Styles contract negotiation holdups, I was like damn this sounds just like Melo in Denver situation. I wish they could have worked it out though.

:pimp: @ The little segment on Karma/AMazing Kong
Watching the shield documentary. Roman's girl was looking nice.

Didn't know about the tna doc earlier. Need to find it and watch.
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