Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Bubba is a great heel and in the best shape of his life...but we all know why WWE isn't interested in him.
Enough of the brining in the old guys man. Let these new dudes grow. Brock and Rock are cool cause they are HUGE draws. Kurt could return in a JEricho/RVD role and put some talent over.
Jojo looking fine in nxt tonight
They don't hear you man.

RE: Charactrs staying in character.

First of all, there is no way in hell anybody requested for some damn Kane to make-a-wish. I don't care if I SAW documentation, I'm not believing it. Secondly, the dude is the "reason" Daniel Bryan was injured at one point, why is HE being sent off to see kids? He is a demon. He is a demon with a suit. Why is he talking to chilldren unless he plans on kidnapping or possessing their bodies'?

Stay in character. Always
They don't hear you man.

RE: Charactrs staying in character.

First of all, there is no way in hell anybody requested for some damn Kane to make-a-wish. I don't care if I SAW documentation, I'm not believing it. Secondly, the dude is the "reason" Daniel Bryan was injured at one point, why is HE being sent off to see kids? He is a demon. He is a demon with a suit. Why is he talking to chilldren unless he plans on kidnapping or possessing their bodies'?

Stay in character. Always
Kids love the larger than life characters. Kane is damn near seven feet. They probably send him to meet kids for the wow factor. I met psycho sid when I was like 10. He was a huge heel but he signed autographs for me and my brother. We were amazed at his size and didn't care about good guy or bad guy. We got to meet a wrestler. I'm sure that's enough for a sick kid if it was for me healthy.
I just saw Jay Lethal in the Chicago Midway airport. He had on a hat and glasses but I recognized him cause he still looks like a black Macho Man :lol:
I wanted to stop him so bad and bow to him for that Flair promo, it's always been a fav of mine
Man everything was perfect about that promo except for Wolfe chiming in and AJ Styles' weeeeeeeeaaak suit game :rofl: :rofl:
Met him at the NJPW show a couple years ago and he was a really cool dude, why is he not signed anywhere?

On another note, Psycho Sid "invented" the "fist bump", right? :lol:
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TNA's camera work was GOLD in that promo. Any time lethal dropped a punchline, cameras were immediately on Ric.

Desmond tried his best to ruin that promo. Take your Ghetto Booty off that mountain for 5 seconds so I can KICK IT!!
What's a God to a Vince McMahon?

And so basically they gave God's theme music to Brodus Clay?
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