Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

all these japanese wrestling talk is outta control man lol 

nah but seriously i dont know **** about any of that,ill just take ya dudes words for it that these dudes that wwe just signed are going to be great,from the videos ya posted they seem legit,i just cant get down with the whole japan wrestling,its feels so boring to me,i like wrestling for the wrestling yea but i also like the theatrics and the showmanship and the entertainment value,im proabbly in the minority with that but thats just me

anyway with njpw,is there any storylines or story telling? do these dudes have any charisma? what can i look forward to with the new guys that were signed? serious question no troll,cuz i really dont know about it ,would like answers 
all these japanese wrestling talk is outta control man lol 

nah but seriously i dont know **** about any of that,ill just take ya dudes words for it that these dudes that wwe just signed are going to be great,from the videos ya posted they seem legit,i just cant get down with the whole japan wrestling,its feels so boring to me,i like wrestling for the wrestling yea but i also like the theatrics and the showmanship and the entertainment value,im proabbly in the minority with that but thats just me

anyway with njpw,is there any storylines or story telling? do these dudes have any charisma? what can i look forward to with the new guys that were signed? serious question no troll,cuz i really dont know about it ,would like answers 
As long as KENTA is booked like a bad ***... I'm happy.
Anyone have an idea of who the new NXT General Manager might be? And will they even have JBL address why he's no longer in the position? They could have parlayed that into info on why he was being so grouchy on commentary last week but that would make sense...WWE Logic :frown:

Santino, Booker T, or A train.

That's actually a nice little gig. Collect a check for showing up to tv tapings once a week in Florida. Not bad at all.
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