Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

:pimp: nxt is going to be eeeeeek


View media item 1128214
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^Not gonna front those kids put on a very entertaining match.


In other news, I just signed up for the WWE Network.

They finally made it available in the Bahamas.

It was a no brainer, because according to Maggle I get all 12 WWE PPVs, all the past WWE, ECW, & WCW PPVs, and WWE original programming like Legends House and Monday Night Wars

All of that for just $9.99!

Seriously though, I haz excite. 
Was skimming through one of the ECW PPVs and Joel Gertner dropped a F bomb.

No longer out the loop with the NTWT brethen.
^Not gonna front those kids put on a very entertaining match.

JoJo. :evil:
In other news, I just signed up for the WWE Network. :pimp:

They finally made it available in the Bahamas.

It was a no brainer, because according to Maggle I get all 12 WWE PPVs, all the past WWE, ECW, & WCW PPVs, and WWE original programming like Legends House and Monday Night Wars

All of that for just $9.99! :wow:

View media item 1128211

Seriously though, I haz excite. :smokin Was skimming through one of the ECW PPVs and Joel Gertner dropped a F bomb. :lol:

No longer out the loop with the NTWT brethen. :nthat:

^Not gonna front those kids put on a very entertaining match.


In other news, I just signed up for the WWE Network.

They finally made it available in the Bahamas.

It was a no brainer, because according to Maggle I get all 12 WWE PPVs, all the past WWE, ECW, & WCW PPVs, and WWE original programming like Legends House and Monday Night Wars

All of that for just $9.99!

Seriously though, I haz excite. 
Was skimming through one of the ECW PPVs and Joel Gertner dropped a F bomb.

No longer out the loop with the NTWT brethen.
Here's a WWE 2k15 Hands-on preview from IGN Germany (translated in English)
WWE 2K15: Our first hands-on Preview - IGN First

It's time to get real.
By Vince Ingenito

Since 2K and Visual Concepts have taken the WWE series, the fans were wondering how the game would probably change. Can Visual Concepts - together with long-time developer Yukes - do it for the WWE, what they did in the NBA series? How does WWE 15 on 2K feels in the ring? Finally we have the answers to these questions.

If you were to force me at gunpoint to describe what I had played, my answer would just be "different". Do not worry, that's no reason to lose your nerve, it is not a euphemism. I am not looking for a polite way to tell you that Yukes and Visual Concepts have screwed up. In fact, I like the direction that leads the 2K15 series. I'm here to tell you that WWE 2K15 - a wrestling simulation is - for lack of a better word.

Do not get me wrong: It's not so complex that casual players will not understand what happened here. But the balance, pacing, and the weight of the Action was changed so that it corresponds more to what we see at a Monday Night on TV. This can be sometimes to details such as the height of the cables - which was incidentally never properly - break down. But there are also big changes - new systems and mechanisms that will continue to change the way how their wrestling plays.

There is for example the grappling system. Remember just before the idea that you go at the beginning of a match to your opponent and a DDT or backbreaker makes, only he could not counter your attack. So no match starts in the WWE and so if you use the grappling button at the beginning of a fight at WWE 2K15, it only triggers the new chain wrestling system.

Wrestling fans know what it is about: Both wrestlers go directly to an upright grappling position and fight for a better position. It starts as rock-scissors-paper: Each player presses one of three buttons and the winner of the round brings in a more advantageous position. From here both fighters then basically playing a game that recalls the snap of a lock. Both analog sticks are long rotates until you find the sticking point and hold in order to improve their own situation. In the meantime, the player an advantage can land the first hit or take the next best part of the body of his opponent in the pliers. It is more reminiscent of the way, like a real battle begins, in which you just do not attack with a spinebuster as soon as the match starts.

During this time, you can already have the first basic attacks - and even an Irish Wip - perform, but all the possibilities of grappling system opens up only when you already could you cause some damage on the enemy. I had WWE 2K14 criticized for how incredibly fast the simple attack blows have looked like, but the same can not be said about WWE 2K15. Attacks are executed with the speed at which "normal" people are capable of. This combos are even more demanding, but also more satisfying when they go to the finish. The battles are perhaps not more nimble, but a struggle between two 150 pound men should not be quick.

There is another important change in Grappling: The four Grappling Poses no longer exists. Once you no longer find yourself in open battle, you just need to keep the grappling button and when you move the analog stick in a certain direction, it starts the next move. From a simple headlock out, can you still execute more moves, but the most important grappling maneuvers take place from the state. But that makes sense. How often fixed to an opponent in a position to determine, before one sets a suplex? Not at all. You just do it.

Many other, more subtle changes are based on the core question "Does this happen really?" The animations have been added to this year in a ring with regular size and also in the game corresponding to each ring its real role model. The already changed the way how the wrestlers look around them, how fast they come off the ropes with an Irish whip and as they climb the turnbuckle. All these details - after they were wrong for so long - are now finally correct. Perhaps no detail stands out by itself, but together they form the basis for a credible match.

But that it does not stop there. 2K15 comes with a new stamina system, which must always keep her in mind if you want to be successful. All the time to run through the ring to escape your opponent, like after a good sound tactics for the online mode, but that is only until your wrestler is so exhausted that he can land no ordinary punch more. Maybe this does not sound as funny as you would have liked your wrestling, but it's exactly the kind of restriction that I've always missed. The constraint that ensures that the digital matches the real battles in all respects be similar.

For some fans, these changes may sound a little scary, but they are exactly what I have been missing for years. The question I always ask myself, if I is a game to play, "What are the important decisions I make now?" And as much as I played the WWE games in the past, the answer was always "Not many."

But with the changes of WWE 2K15, it looks as if it would change this year and I am already looking forward to playing more.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan...........a lot of arcade folks in WWE Universe are going to be MAAAAAAAAAD. Hahahahahha. A wrestling simulation huh? Man I am hyped right now
Layla XXX version :smokin I know there's a couple people who knows who this is
For "research" purposes if you could tell us the name I'm sure NTWT would appreciate you even more than we already do. Edit...Just saw the name. Thanks T0INE T0INE and I threw ya a rep for your knowledge.
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