Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

WWE 2K15

My friend´s explaining how it works, since the article hasn´t been well translated.

At the beginning of the match you can freely run, punch/kick, irish wip and "grapple". But once you try to grapple in the initial moments of the match it´ll trigger what you called QTE.

And the "QTE", as the original article explains, works like this: it starts by saying "forget about starting the match with a running DDT ou running backbreaker". It then states that people started this way because running attacks were hard to reverse, but that´s not how a real WWE match works. Once you try to grapple, the new "chain wrestling system" starts. Both wrestlers go to a "collar-and-elbow" grapple, and a "rock-scissors-paper" game starts, with each wrestler having 1 of 3 buttons to press and the winner advances to a better grappling position. From there, players start a "lockpicking" game, rotating the right analog stick untill they find the right position and maintain it in position to improve the wrestler´s situation. Meanwhile, the player with the advantage can strike or even try a hold on the body part that he´s holding at the moment. The paragraph ends by saying "let´s say that the beginning of the match looks much closer to a real wrestling match".
WWE 2K15

My friend´s explaining how it works, since the article hasn´t been well translated.

At the beginning of the match you can freely run, punch/kick, irish wip and "grapple". But once you try to grapple in the initial moments of the match it´ll trigger what you called QTE.

And the "QTE", as the original article explains, works like this: it starts by saying "forget about starting the match with a running DDT ou running backbreaker". It then states that people started this way because running attacks were hard to reverse, but that´s not how a real WWE match works. Once you try to grapple, the new "chain wrestling system" starts. Both wrestlers go to a "collar-and-elbow" grapple, and a "rock-scissors-paper" game starts, with each wrestler having 1 of 3 buttons to press and the winner advances to a better grappling position. From there, players start a "lockpicking" game, rotating the right analog stick untill they find the right position and maintain it in position to improve the wrestler´s situation. Meanwhile, the player with the advantage can strike or even try a hold on the body part that he´s holding at the moment. The paragraph ends by saying "let´s say that the beginning of the match looks much closer to a real wrestling match".
Seems like how the Skate video games were different from THPS
Watching a July, 2001 RAW
Watching the Invasion PPV as well.

Terri was so damn sexy man. Got damn man. ******* fake I know but the way she carried herself was so damn sluttish.

Torrie Wilson man......
Same feelings about Terri as well.

DC, watch the finish for APA vs O'Haire and Palumbo. You'll probably burst into laughter
Uhh...WTF? :lol:
Funny how Lita walked around with her drawls showing as if she was phat or something. I wanted to see her naked though.
What are the chances of SS tickets dropping as it moves closer? Might be in LA on Sunday.
Ricardo Rodriguez tweeted then deleted the following in the wake of Mr. Wrestling signing with the big leauges

“Congrats.. I hope he at least looked at you while shaking hands at one point and did call you fat as f–k. #OhMemories.”

“#BumbleBee was his name for me… Don’t even think he ever knew my real name.”

:lol: :rofl:

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I gotta order my Sting t-shirt..Just waiting to get an email with a discount code..
HHH being so self-aware about the Internet is both great and terrible :lol: "Haaaaaay I'm signing all your faves to take Pedigrees :D"
Been on a New Japan/G1 semi-marathon the past two days. I am enjoying Nakamura a lot as well as Ibushi. Watched a couple various Okada and Shibata matches too. Not having subtitles is the only thing that sucks cause I would like to learn more about the wrestlers and commentary of course. But it's like when I was 13/14 watching Dragon Ball Z in Japanese with no subs for strictly entertainment purposes. I really appreciate their pacing and respect for the art of wrestling. Fans too. Not like some WWE fans who wanna be the show with endless chants.
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