Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

I will not be renewing my Network subscription when my 6 months is up next week.  I am protesting over the $9.99 BS on Raw.
They're doing that on purpose at this point as some weird inside joke :lol:

I like the Network. Only view it twice a week on average but it's worth it to me. I also don't have any real bills to pay so maybe that's why I don't mind.
Ive never committed to it before bc when it first came out I was knee deep in my semester and taht 2 week trial straight up ruined my life. I would stay up all night watching what ever was life.

And now with work and these rotations, i really wont have time to watch either but its Summer fest, man. Lol

Plus this new 57" is begging for attention 
I didnt realize how much I miss DBRY.

I was happy when he gave the belts up only bc he couldnt compete but he's a great worker nonetheless
Having cheesesteaks and Sam Adams summer variety tonight. Like WM, I'll be watching with some people so I doubt I'll be in the thread that much. Love y'all and have fun tonight :pimp:
They bored us with that dumb Kane feud. I want him to be gone for a while even after he's healthy. Make that surprise pop at the Rumble :pimp:

Summer fest last year was lowkey fire

I hope Orton washes samoan cena tonight
Having cheesesteaks and Sam Adams summer variety tonight. Like WM, I'll be watching with some people so I doubt I'll be in the thread that much. Love y'all and have fun tonight :pimp:
You say this now but you know you love us enough to watch alone in the bathroom.
Enjoy even tho your guy is going to job

Yeah he's jobbing alright. Gonna get that BJ right in the middle of the ring from Marcuse

@af1 1982
 but but bu what about your match with @DCAllAmerican

Dudes scared. I'm gonna go Boogeyman while he sleeps and eat worms next to him

You say this now but you know you love us enough to watch alone in the bathroom.

I'm probably gonna be on after Ziggler wins :lol:
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