Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Yea man, it is funny to see folks get so impatient with the news coming out slowly. I know folks will be impressed with what is released within the next few weeks. We are still 70 days from the release. People have to be patient man.

But in other news, I want to talk about Universe Mode.

I am in year 3 of my Universe mode. I am using true to life WWE/NXT rosters. I personally only control 1 person on the main roster (Dolph) and one person in developmental (Tyson Kidd). So I sim the other matches, or occasionally watch a cpu/cpu match, but for the most part only use Kidd and Dolph.

Each year after WrestleMania, I bring up 2 wrestlers from the NXT roster and send them to Smackdown. I also demote 1 or 2 wrestlers from the main roster to NXT. This past year I brought up Sami Zayn and Adrien Neville and demoted Leon Rose. Since Neville was my NXT Champ, I am now holding a King of the Ring tournament in NXT to crown a new champion.

Another thing I do is give wrestlers time off due to injuries. I use http://www.random.org .
1. I take the number of wrestlers on the main roster and put it in the random number generator.
2. I then sort the wrestlers alphabetically and whichever wrestler's number gets called, that is who receives time off due to "injury."
3. I then randomize the numbers 3-12 (months) to tell me how long that wrestler will be out of action. When they return, hit poin
4. I then randomize 1-4 to determine the type of injury the wrestler suffered. (1: Neck - 2: Arm - 3: Body - :Leg)\5. When the wrestler returns, hit points will be taken from the injured body part and conditioning points will be deducted for 2 months to simulate ring rust.

There are other things I do but these are just starters for the time being. What are some things you do to spice up your Universe?
Shout out to myself for being born today

Ready for Summer Fest
has anyone DLed the new WWE card game SuperCard? :lol: It's so dumb but I've been playing it all morning, smh.
Kinda want to buy the network for a month just to watching summerfest. Yall think itll lowkey be worth it?
Kinda want to buy the network for a month just to watching summerfest. Yall think itll lowkey be worth it?
No brainer man. I am the cheapest dude on here, I endorse it.

Rock is hip

Dwayne JohnsonVerified account ‏@TheRock

@FightSteenFight Welcome to the club homeboy. Very happy for you and your family. #MoveTheCrowd #HaveFun #WellPlacedSunsetFlips
I ain't been here in forever, and I haven't watched wrestling in what feels like months.

All things considered, I a super excited for tonight.

Brock vs Cena II WILL deliver.
I will not be renewing my Network subscription when my 6 months is up next week.  I am protesting over the $9.99 BS on Raw.
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