Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

Don't even feel bad that Jimmy got eliminated, dude gets to sleep with all dat mass.
Saw a scenario on Twitter where Bryan wins, Vince sends out Orton to cash in, Orton gets pedigreed when he gets in the ring, Trips looks like the hero.

So you make Orton look like some jobber goof?
It's Orton, not Ziggler, it's not going to happen.

all I ever hear when mark henry's music comes on is "somebody's gonna get they a** licked" :lol:

Sounds like you needa do some soul searching cuh
Drew McIntyre's current situation makes me sad.


Still my favorite theme, but McIntyre was massively boring around that time. He's so much more appealing as a rockstar jobber it's not even funny :lol:

Khali needs to get off this roster
Yo I've just been watching Khali the entire time. This dude is hilarious out there.
Man these ratings in WWE 13 are HORRIBLE.

Makin with a 75 speed? Sheesh, I would spend more time editing this than 2K

WWE'13 Full Roster Ratings HD - YouTube
Holy F, 15 pages before Raw is even over.  Must be a good one tonight.

I like Wade Barrett clean shaven.  Reminds me of a young Stephen Regal.
Still my favorite theme, but McIntyre was massively boring around that time. He's so much more appealing as a rockstar jobber it's not even funny :lol:

Khali needs to get off this roster

They just never had anything interesting for him. Though I did like when he had his first loss expunged from his record.

I think he's still got a lot of potential.
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