Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

WOAH at that crowd shot 
 Unbelievable at how over this man is. Extremely happy for the dude. 
Every time they hit Sacramento....

I instantly think of that Rock sing-a-long ether.

Hands down one of the top five boos in wrestling history.

"But I'll be sure to come back when The Lakers beat The Kings in May."
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Daniel Bryan is so boring to watch.

and these Yes chants are even more annoying than the What chants.
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D-Bry needs to win on Sunday. That is all.

And I had no idea Kane/Wyatt is going to be an Inferno Match. Dope, haven't seen that in years.
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D-Bry needs to win on Sunday. That is all.

And I had no idea Kane/Wyatt is going to be an Inferno Match. Dope, haven't seen that in years.
He is def gonna win but theres a good chance Orton cashes in afterwards setting up the feud that they have teased all year long.

I think they are gonna give Cena time off after this, especially if his injury is legitimate
Cole said "shades of his mentor Shawn Michaels" towards D.Bry. Never really heard them acknowledge that, maybe they'll associate him with Michaels in the future.
D-Bry needs to win on Sunday. That is all.

And I had no idea Kane/Wyatt is going to be an Inferno Match. Dope, haven't seen that in years.

It's not the inferno match we'be seen before. Yes, the ring will be surrounded by fire but you win by pinfall or submission.
I have a feeling Brad Maddox will in some way interfere on sunday as a referee....

Not sure if it will happen during the Cena Vs Bryan match or Punk Vs Brock match...

Im leaning towards Punk Vs Brock.
I have a feeling Brad Maddox will in some way interfere on sunday as a referee....

Not sure if it will happen during the Cena Vs Bryan match or Punk Vs Brock match...

Im leaning towards Punk Vs Brock.

Orton is gonna come down the ramp with Maddox as a ref and have him fast count to win the title off of D.Bry.
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