Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

I enjoyed the show thought it was a great Summerslam. Orton champ does nothing for me. Bryan being played was a nice storyline turn.
Game Over :rofl: didn't expect Trips to pedigree Bryan, but Orton become champ? damn :smh: is this the shortest title reign in history? how you win it and lose it the same day?
If anybody was going to take the title away from D-Bry, I'm glad it was Orton. I was always a fan of heel Orton, dude is so damn smooth in the ring.

We're in for a treat with D-Bry/RKO matches in the near future. Better believe Danielson will get the best out of Orton
Orton is smooth as hell in the ring. D bryan is fantastic in the ring as well. Their upcoming feud and match at night of champions should be excellent
If anybody was going to take the title away from D-Bry, I'm glad it was Orton. I was always a fan of heel Orton, dude is so damn smooth in the ring.

We're in for a treat with D-Bry/RKO matches in the near future. Better believe Danielson will get the best out of Orton

This. Orton needed a refresher after months of jobbing and no direction. I just hate Bryan losing though.
I'm just surprised the WWE was that desperate to put the strap back on the two-time loser. Orton bores me on the mic and in the ring. I don't know what y'all see in him.
Guess there was a reason as well for the Bow down to the Game theme being played tonight as well. It is Evolution 2.0. HBK to come out of retirement for Vince?????
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