Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

I can't stand Orton..I am astonished that dude is a 10x champ..Mic skills are boring and his matches are boring..Only thing he has going for him is his surprise RKO'S and that has nothing to do with his skill, but rather on the talent of his opponent..

So let's get this straight..
WWE Champ=Heel
US Champ=Heel
IC Champ=Heel
Tag Champs=Heel
Diva's Champ=Heel..

They better have some titles change hands soon..
My predictions when down in flames with that Pedigree :lol:

Have to say, very nice PPV. Dbry/Cena, Christian/Del Rio, and Brock/Punk were all very good to great. Sandow/Cody was good (though they could've used a few more minutes for build) and the mixed tag was good for the time allowed. RVD/Ambrose could've easily been on the card as it was good too. Kane/Wyatt was the only outright bad match, as the divas match was decent with Nattie basically having to wrestle a cactus.
I don't think DBry was suppose to win that knee, I'm thinking at some point in the match Cena could no longer go due to the elbow which I'm sure led to the sudden finish.

Overall great Pay Per View
Orton is money in the ring when he's motivated and involved in a good storyline. I think Orton will bring it in the ring. Dude has GREAT matches when motivated and matches with Dbry will just make it even better.

What i'm wondering is how this story will lead into WM30

:x :smh: at whoever said Shaemus will represent vinny mac at WM30
I remember saying a couple of threads ago that with Orton winning the briefcase and D.Bry winning @ SummerSlam it would be a great way to continue D.Bry and Orton's feud they had a little bit ago.
I do not mind seeing multiple matches between those 2 at all, will be like the matches Orton had with Christian back in 2011 but better.
DBry gets to go home to Brie Bella, let Orton have this, man!
I don't think DBry was suppose to win that knee, I'm thinking at some point in the match Cena could no longer go due to the elbow which I'm sure led to the sudden finish.

Overall great Pay Per View

now i see it. even dbry looked surprised. I think when HHH was asking cena how he was doing i think that was when cena was legit hurt. well i'm guessing we'll see cena back for the royal rumble then winning it AGAIN and main eventing at WM? :smh: :x
I can't stand Orton..I am astonished that dude is a 10x champ..Mic skills are boring and his matches are boring..Only thing he has going for him is his surprise RKO'S and that has nothing to do with his skill, but rather on the talent of his opponent..

So let's get this straight..
WWE Champ=Heel
US Champ=Heel
IC Champ=Heel
Tag Champs=Heel
Diva's Champ=Heel..

They better have some titles change hands soon..

Del Rio is not really heel, but that's pretty spot on.
Guess there was a reason as well for the Bow down to the Game theme being played tonight as well. It is Evolution 2.0. HBK to come out of retirement for Vince?????

Right now, there's 2 ppl i see representing VKM at WM30 vs HHH.


Who knows who WWE signs or calls up between now and then, though.
Austin's not wrestling.  Even you know better than that.
i find Orton boring as hell, he needs to change it up. maybe D. Bryan would help with that situation.
I don't think DBry was suppose to win that knee, I'm thinking at some point in the match Cena could no longer go due to the elbow which I'm sure led to the sudden finish.

Overall great Pay Per View
That was how it was supposed to finish.  They went about 25 minutes.  The finish was from the G1.  I'm sure one of our Japanese experts could tell you more.  I think it's Nakamura's finish.
What a night! DBry is by far the most over person in this company. He's gonna be even more over after tonight. Crowd was great and was on fire for the Brock-Punk, Dbry-Cena matches! Can't beat the seats I had for 50 bucks either! Big thanks to Hybridsoldier for the tix!
Cena knew what the outcome was and was being a d*ick most of the match

His injury limited him and Bryan carried the match The ending was fine. I said earlier I could not see HHH in this role but how they ended it with the hints that this is a reup of Orton and HHH then this could be awesome. Just let this play out. But Orton could be champ til mania as well
I don't think DBry was suppose to win that knee, I'm thinking at some point in the match Cena could no longer go due to the elbow which I'm sure led to the sudden finish.

Overall great Pay Per View
That was how it was supposed to finish.  They went about 25 minutes.  The finish was from the G1.  I'm sure one of our Japanese experts could tell you more.  I think it's Nakamura's finish.
The move is called the bom a ye.
As much as I dislike Cena in the ring, I must say this is one of his best showings
Gotta disagree here.  Thought he didn't have a very good match until the very end.  You could tell his elbow was killing him which really held him back.
In terms of not being "Super Cena" he did a pretty decent job there. That's the #1 thing I hate about him in the ring.
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