Wrestling Thread Aug 22-28 | 8/25 Matt Hardy Hospitalized, Jeff Hardy Returns to TNA

anybody else read big day for 4w in the title and thought he musta got a hold of a ton of hp touchpads to resell?
TheWindScar31 wrote:
Could this be a testing of the waters? Possible Cena is the one that sent the text? Didn't triple H cut promos in the past about Cena being the future of the company. And now him caring about the well being of the company? Punk against the McMahon-Helmsley-Cena (with Nash as a lackey and whoever else they decide to bring back from the kliq)?
Laurinitis sent the text. It was clear after last night.

Overall it was a solid Raw.

-I really loved the Miz x R-Truth duo and thought they meshed well together. Bringing back R-Truth's music with a new freestyle was awesome.
-The main event was good from the fans throwing Cena's shirt back in the ring to the match overall. I just didn't like the ending because no one wants to see Punk vs. Nash at Night of Champions. As Jim Ross would say, that match is going to be bowling shoe ugly.
-The only thing I didn't like was that Otunga and McGillicutty lost the straps. Bourne and Kingston are already over. Way over with the fans. They lose nothing by having the champs go over and begin to establish them as a formidable duo. They need to have the tag champs appear on both shows because the belts are worthless with the current setup.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Lol did yall hear punk yell "im flying!" when he jumped off the ropes

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i had to hit the rewind button two or three times i was damn near in tears laughing so hard. mad funny.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]real good raw except for a couple things. Did we need punk and hhh out there 30 times in one night?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and how god awful is Cena's selling pain.... Punk holding his back, his arm from the damage of the match (towards the end) cena kicks out, bounces up and is fresh as a daisy chillin in the corner. Garbage.[/color]
I didn't get to see the whole show last night, but is the anonymous general manager thing just going by the wayside?
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Lol did yall hear punk yell "im flying!" when he jumped off the ropes
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and how god awful is Cena's selling pain.... Punk holding his back, his arm from the damage of the match (towards the end) cena kicks out, bounces up and is fresh as a daisy chillin in the corner. Garbage.[/color]
I've been saying this, but everyone keeps telling me "It's due to his work ethic, stamina, blah blah"
Originally Posted by rcdp

Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Lol did yall hear punk yell "im flying!" when he jumped off the ropes
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and how god awful is Cena's selling pain.... Punk holding his back, his arm from the damage of the match (towards the end) cena kicks out, bounces up and is fresh as a daisy chillin in the corner. Garbage.[/color]
I've been saying this, but everyone keeps telling me "It's due to his work ethic, stamina, blah blah"
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I remember an old quote, not sure who said it but always remembered it because i thought it was hella funny. "he is a spokesman for Lazy Boy and that's odd because Al doesn't usually sell chairs."[/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] In thinking about it it was probably foley.

Anyway... the big picture, the big problem is he cannot sell. He puts no one over with how beastly they are in the ring. He just constantly pops up, runs around, sells no hurt. Nada.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If he wants to do that push up pop up thing, fine. Go watch some SM doing his kick up, see how many times he was showing pain. Holding his back, neck, head, or just hurt in general. Sell You As-Hole! very annoying to me.[/color]
Miz x Truth team might be great.

I deadass think the tag division will make a comeback soon.
Originally Posted by solidsnake

They threw Cena's shirt back at One Night Stand years ago

It got thrown back at least 3 or 4 times in a row.

Solid episode of Raw last night but I agree with whoever said they don't need these guys (Punk, HHH, etc) coming to the ring 3 times a night.

Kofi and Bourne will be a fun tag team to watch.

Del Rio was booked great.

The Awesome Truth was gold and should be a great tag team.

Props to WWE for not hotshotting the CM Punk angle. As unattractive as a CM Punk vs Kevin Nash match may sound, it's just a good way to prolong the storyline, especially if they really are building towards Punk vs HHH. A lot of people were expecting WWE to give away Punk/HHH at NOC.
Rey Mysterio is getting a complete knee reconstruction surgery and will be out until after WrestleMania. So there goes the plan of a Mysterio vs Sin Cara match.
- WWE officials have had discussions as of late regarding acquiring cruiserweight talent. A full-fledged revival of the cruiserweight division, however, has not been confirmed.

The belief is that cruiserweight talent would give Evan Bourne or Sin Cara more similarly styled opponents to work with not to mention that the quality of wrestling would strengthen the organization's undercard
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Rey Mysterio is getting a complete knee reconstruction surgery and will be out until after WrestleMania. So there goes the plan of a Mysterio vs Sin Cara match.

I wonder where this leaves Sin Cara as I assume that where they envisioned him being at WM... I hope there bring a real luchador for him to feud in...

sorry, not uploading properly.

text reads: "After 9 years, I have decided to call it a career here on NT

I was recently banned and will not be "re-signing" anytime soon, as I have decided to kill off the Club character."

Come out your face again by saying something slick and I'll send you to God myself. You better not step foot in NYC this November. If I see you at Survivor Series, its going to be a problem. I'm not %%!+#@%+#%!% at all. This is your only warning.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Rey Mysterio is getting a complete knee reconstruction surgery and will be out until after WrestleMania. So there goes the plan of a Mysterio vs Sin Cara match.

I wonder where this leaves Sin Cara as I assume that where they envisioned him being at WM... I hope there bring a real luchador for him to feud in...
They did sign another masked lucha(Samuray Del Sol or something like that?) so maybe it'll be him.
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