Wrestling Thread Aug 4-10 | 8/7 Breaking WWE News - Alberto Del Rio FIRED

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JBL was trollin soo hard. 9.99. Someone go back and rewatch raw and count how many times 9.99 was said. I would, but i dont think i could waste 3 hours on that raw again. 2nd biggest PPV of the year and they do what? besides seth and teet master what was accomplished? Man it is getting harder and harder to invest 3 hours a week on this show. As much as I love the business I don't know how many more raws I can sit through.

That whole show could of been accomplished in two hours easily. They better pull the big guns out next week for the go home show. But they will waste a half hour on Hulk Hogan who has nothing to do with SS. This whole PPV has the build up of a B grade PPV.

- We all know brock and cena will have to face off on monday and get physical in some type of way. Right?
- The Bella and Steph match can't be anymore setup.
- Miz/Ziggler? does anyone care? Miz is so bad that this match will be terrible. And poor Zigs will take the heat for not connecting
- Paige is a way better heel. The two diva matches have the best buildups besides the main event.
- Seth and Jeans will be wrestling for the briefcase, which has my interest. Plus we all know those two will bring the house down and easily should steal the show.
- I think I'm over Roman's Reign and this whole feud. Just feed him to HHH already and see what happens.
- Flag vs Flag match? if not for the ravishing russian and Zeb no one would give two ducks about this feud.

Long story short. If i didn't have the network I wouldn't be paying 60$ or whatever it would cost to rent this. And it's all because of the weak booking on raw the past few weeks.
Something from reddit, a fun read about WCW
The Stupidity of WCW Volume 1
Note: I copied and pasted this from another forum I follow. Sources for the information include; "The Death of WCW", "Have A Nice Day" and The Wrestling Observer
• Benoit left the company as WCW champion. He offered to lose the title to whoever they wanted but was told instead to just leave. Those backstage who questioned the move were told that Benoit was a vanilla ****** who would never draw. Guerrero, Malenko and Saturn were all granted unconditional releases as well. Despite being midcarders most of their WCW careers, their RAW debut drew a 6.59 rating to Nitro's 2.79. The peak of Raw's ratings was during the main event, featuring - you guessed it - Benoit, Malenko, Guerrero and Saturn, AKA The "Vanilla Midgets". Their match drew a rating of 8.1
• WCW claimed that Three Count's album (which didn't exist btw) had gone Platinum. Evan Karagious also claimed their second album would be even bigger and would go Gold. (For those who are not aware, Platinum CDs > Gold CDs).
• Sid had a winning streak which contained within it 3 televised pin-fall losses, 1 count out loss and 1 loss via disqualification. He even claimed an extra victory later in the same night as one of his defeats. His streak also went up by 5 on a show in which he didn't wrestle.
• Russo's second show in charge featured Bret running in on a Juventud/Psychosis match. Neither were told Bret was running in and nobody to this day knows quite why he ran in.
• Tony Schivone announced on Nitro that Mick Foley was going to win the WWF Title on RAW. He added "That'll put butts in seats". The ratings the next day showed that immediately afterwards 300,000 homes switched to Raw.
• Goldberg's winning streak was gathering momentum and people were attending house shows in record numbers. Signs appeared in the audience with the exact number of wins Goldberg had, including at house shows. House show attendance was up, fans were excited and all of a sudden WCW added 20 victories out of nowhere. House show attendance fell and the signs soon disappeared.
• Hogan faked injury in order to miss a Nitro that was being preempted by US Open Tennis. He then used this to claim that Nitro's rating fell because he was not on the show. He was subsequently given the WCW title soon after.
• WCW spent weeks hyping the debut of "The Machine". He wrestled DDP, lost and was never seen again.
• Booker T and Big T (Ahmed Johnson) feuded over who owned the rights to the letter "T".
• Scott Steiner cut an unscripted promo in which he criticized Ric Flair, said WCW "sucked" and made reference to people turning over to watch Steve Austin instead. He was punished by being suspended....from Thunder....with pay.
• WCW rigged the polls on their website so that if people voted for Kidman/Rey for example as MOTN the vote would actually go to Hogan/Sid. Hogan used this as evidence that Billy Kidman "couldn't headline a wrestling show at a flea market".
• Hogan claimed on TV in 2000 nobody in the industry under the age of 40 could draw. This was in the middle of the Austin era in which Austin became the biggest draw in wrestling history. He was in his mid 30s. Goldberg, WCW's biggest draw in the year previous, was also under 40 by a distance.
• Chris Jericho's action figures were set so that when they were bought, the receipt would say either "Sting" or "Hogan". They subsequently got the revenue money for the sales.
• Russo's stint as head booker saw the PPV revenue cut in half within 3 months.
• Vince Russo once claimed his booking of WCW wasn't going to plan because Ted Turner prevented him from using angles calling women wrestlers fat.
• David Arquette became WCW champion.
• Despite the amazing amount of mask sales, Eric Bischoff decided Rey Mysterio Jr. would be a bigger draw without his mask. He then proceeded to do nothing with him.
• Vince Russo lost his job as head writer when he put forward the idea that Tank Abbott should be WCW champion.
• WCW kept Scott Hall employed despite missing a Nitro before a PPV main event he was to feature in, causing havoc on a flight to Berlin and missing the flight back.... and despite threatening to hit Terry Taylor with a guitar. They felt he was too valuable as a witness in their copyright infringement battle with WWE to allow him to leave.
• KISS performed a concert on Nitro which gained one of the lowest ratings for any segment during the Monday Night Wars. Part of the deal included the band being paid $500,000 and a guarantee that the "KISS DEMON" would be featured in main event matches.
• Sid lost a match by countout in a Falls Count Anywhere match.
• Kevin Nash ending Goldberg's streak while booker.
• WCW gave up on keeping Scott Hall sober so told him to "pretend" to be drunk during promos. His pretending of course involved a lot of alcohol consumption and some ridiculous remarks including shouting out "Giant...that's your cue!".
• WCW paid James Brown $25,000 to show up and dance for 2 minutes at SuperBrawl 2000 without advertising his appearance at all. He was paid $25,000 because they felt he could draw viewers but nobody knew he was going to be there!
• Tank Abbott got legitimately p.o'd at "Big Al" during a match. At the end of their match (which was a leather jacket on a pole match of course), he pulled a knife on him, held it to his throat and told him he could kill him. The cameras cut away while Schivone tried to explain to fans that Tank Abbott was disrespecting him by trying to shave his beard. Big Al didn't have a beard though...
• Kevin Sullivan was so disliked that 14 wrestlers asked for their release at the same time while he was booking.
• Ric Flair was buried (literally) in the storyline. Their answer to Benoit, Malenko, Guerrero and Saturn leaving was for him to be dug up on the next week's Nitro.
• WCW made it a policy to humiliate Ric Flair any time they were near his hometown. It is not known why other than they did not feel Flair could headline shows at his age and wanted to try and prove their point by saying that he didn't get good reactions in his hometown, nevermind everywhere else.
• Russo proposed a storyline in which Nash made Scott Hall number one contender but Hall would be unable to make it due to being drunk in Florida. Nash in the storyline would then make himself number one contender and win the title. The storyline was nixed by Kevin Nash who was scared by this point by the amount of people who hated him.
• Goldberg came within half an inch of losing his arm when he punched the window of a limo to break the glass. He was supposed to hit it with a concealed lead pipe but dropped it.
• Eric Bischoff would often book angles where wrestlers quit the company. He would tell the guys backstage they had actually quit because he felt this would make things more real. Really it just made the guys backstage annoyed that their boss was lying to them.
• Vince Russo became WCW champion.
• Warrior's debut promo went a full 20 minutes longer than it was supposed to. He also made several unscripted comments including saying "beating Hogan was no big deal because everyone has done it". This despite them hyping a match which fans were supposed to care about. Several changes were made to the rest of the show due to the lost 20 minutes.
• WCW's injury policy was that if a wrestler was injured for a long period of time they were able to cut their earnings in half. The idea was to stop wrestlers faking injury and collecting money. The irony is that Hogan faked injury several times but had a guaranteed money contract. Meanwhile many wrestlers came back too early leading to painkiller addictions amongst other problems because they could not afford to have their money slashed in half.
• They failed to advertise a PPV and revealed no matches before it in 1999. At a loss it was advertised it by saying "We're the advertising agency and they won't even tell us who's going to be there. Tune in!". Not suprisingly the buyrate was shocking.
• Vince Russo hyped up a massive event that would change wrestling for Starrcade 1999. It ended up being a rehash of the Montreal Screwjob, this time with Bret taking the win. Nobody cared.
• Bret Hart's big debut in the company was to be the guest referee for an Eric Bischoff vs Larry Zbysko match. This despite him being the hottest commodity in pro wrestling at the time.
• The original plan for Thunder was for it to be an nWo show. The plan was cancelled when a test show nWo Nitro bombed and so did the only nWo PPV.
• Vince Russo's appearance in WCW co-incided with the end of the football season meaning that WCW would almost certainly get more viewers. He used this to claim he was turning things around. This despite the fact that WCW's ratings increase was half of the amount WWE's ratings increased by that week.
• When WCW cut from 3 hours to 2 they were running completely unopposed by WWE. They fully expected a ratings increase from the previous week's 3.29 to well up in the 4s. The rating for the first 2 hour show? 3.29 again!
• Chris Jericho once appeared in a backstage segment mocking Goldberg's entrance. He was to try and go through a door but discover it was locked. Trouble was when Jericho tried the door it opened and so Jericho had to quickly close the door and then pretend it was locked despite the whole viewing audience seeing it open.
• In 1997, Eric Bischoff told everyone backstage that he had it on very good authority that WWE's money troubles were beyond repair and that they were going to be out of business within 6 months.
• Jericho was involved in another segment backstage where he was chasing another wrestler. The cameras didn't cut and so the viewing audience were treated to seeing the two wrestlers suddenly stop running, turn round and walk casually towards the camera while chatting away.
• The Warrior appeared in a backstage segment in which he was visible in a mirror only to Hogan. The problem was he was also visible to everyone at home...
• WCW booked Billy Kidman and Dean Malenko in a "catch-as-catch-can" match in which if anyone left the ring they lost the match. Dean Malenko instinctively rolled out of the ring after a sequence and the bell rang. Malenko was dumbfounded. Kidman went on to wrestle two other matches that night.
• In 1999 Hogan cut a promo in which he said that "young guys" like Lex Luger (who was in his 40s at the time) needed to give in because they could never be big stars.
• WCW's annual Road Wild PPV always lost WCW money because they generated a gate receipt of $0.00 every year for it.
• At the time DX invaded WCW and claimed they were giving away free tickets, they were actually not. They filed a lawsuit against WWE for the claim. Before the lawsuit finished the were - you guessed it - giving away free tickets to fill their shows.
• In the early 1990s, WCW shows featured a sign telling fans when to cheer and when to boo. They also filtered out real wrestling fans as much as possible from attending their shows at Universal Studios because they were scared their babyfaces would be booed.
• WCW booked an Inferno Match between Sting and Vampiro. The match ended with a stunt double dressed as Sting plummeting off the big movie screen and through a hole in the ramp which was filled with foam. WCW's commentary team then proceeded to basically re-hash the commentary from J.R and Jerry Lawler after Owen Hart's accident. The comapny subsequently received tousands and thousands of letters complaining about the distatseful nature of the incident.
• WCW management tried to release Davey Boy Smith while he was injured (due to taking a bump on the infamous trapdoor that Warrior used to "teleport" in and out of the ring). They felt Smith was faking his injury. The reality was that there were legitimate concerns he may never walk again.
• Heenan's "Who's side is he on?" comment when Hogan appeared as the third man of the nWo was totally unscripted. He was severely reprimanded for giving away the heel turn.
• In 2000 a fan was pictured on the screen with a sign saying "I'M AT A WCW EVENT". He was wearing a bag on his head.
• A fan dressed as Sting ran into a match and the commentators, so used to not being told about changes to shows, assumed it was the real Sting.
• Goldberg ate Scott Hall's contract on an episode of Nitro. The idea being that Scott Hall was a free agent because he no longer had a contract. He appeared the next week and suddenly he had a contract again.
• In a segment said to be hilarious live, (Elix) Skipper was talking trash and challenging Goldberg. Goldberg came out behind Skipper. Skipper keeps turning and Goldberg keeps adjusting his position so Skipper can't see him. All of this is on the big screen, which Skipper is looking right at, and can see Goldberg behind him, but because they didn't consider this when making the angle, he had to pretend - Wrestling Observer
• At Uncensored 2000 the main event was Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan in a strap match. The commentators explained that to win you had to touch all four corners. Hogan won by hitting the leg drop and pinning Flair. A baffled crowd continued to watch as Hogan won for a second time by touching all 4 corners.
Stephanie is a goon, man.  Hit Nikki with the mic, slammed Brie's head onto the table, and held both of their arms during the pedigree
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Chris Jericho's action figures were set so that when they were bought, the receipt would say either "Sting" or "Hogan". They subsequently got the revenue money for the sales.

Cold as ice
If that ain't the dirtiest **** :lol: :smh: damb...Too Cold Scorpio right there :x.
How do you guys think Brock is going to be remembered amongst the greats when he retires?
• WCW booked an Inferno Match between Sting and Vampiro. The match ended with a stunt double dressed as Sting plummeting off the big movie screen and through a hole in the ramp which was filled with foam. WCW's commentary team then proceeded to basically re-hash the commentary from J.R and Jerry Lawler after Owen Hart's accident. The comapny subsequently received tousands and thousands of letters complaining about the distatseful nature of the incident.

So disrespectful bruh. Lol and the comments say it was in the same arena.

****** don't give a damn smh lol. Wasn't Bret with the company at the time?
• WCW booked an Inferno Match between Sting and Vampiro. The match ended with a stunt double dressed as Sting plummeting off the big movie screen and through a hole in the ramp which was filled with foam. WCW's commentary team then proceeded to basically re-hash the commentary from J.R and Jerry Lawler after Owen Hart's accident. The comapny subsequently received tousands and thousands of letters complaining about the distatseful nature of the incident.

So disrespectful bruh. Lol and the comments say it was in the same arena.​

****** don't give a damn smh lol. Wasn't Bret with the company at the time?​
You didn't read the other comment-"Um, no. Owen died at the Kemper Arena in Kansas City, MO, this match
happened at teh Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, MD"
so mad i couldnt watch raw live (only because of this thread).

has it been mentioned or answered as to why not 1 champion was on raw tonight. i know cena was shooting a DVD. but no AJ, Sheamus, or Usos. just remembered the Miz was but he didnt even wrestle. Migos didnt either. Id be pissed if i was at this Raw not for nothing.
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GOod grief.

Y2k match knocked me out completely.

So BLT didnt fight Rollins? And it was Heath who beat him?? 
JBL was trollin soo hard. 9.99. Someone go back and rewatch raw and count how many times 9.99 was said. I would, but i dont think i could waste 3 hours on that raw again. 2nd biggest PPV of the year and they do what? besides seth and teet master what was accomplished? Man it is getting harder and harder to invest 3 hours a week on this show. As much as I love the business I don't know how many more raws I can sit through.

That whole show could of been accomplished in two hours easily. They better pull the big guns out next week for the go home show. But they will waste a half hour on Hulk Hogan who has nothing to do with SS. This whole PPV has the build up of a B grade PPV.

- We all know brock and cena will have to face off on monday and get physical in some type of way. Right?
- The Bella and Steph match can't be anymore setup.
- Miz/Ziggler? does anyone care? Miz is so bad that this match will be terrible. And poor Zigs will take the heat for not connecting
- Paige is a way better heel. The two diva matches have the best buildups besides the main event.
- Seth and Jeans will be wrestling for the briefcase, which has my interest. Plus we all know those two will bring the house down and easily should steal the show.
- I think I'm over Roman's Reign and this whole feud. Just feed him to HHH already and see what happens.
- Flag vs Flag match? if not for the ravishing russian and Zeb no one would give two ducks about this feud.

Long story short. If i didn't have the network I wouldn't be paying 60$ or whatever it would cost to rent this. And it's all because of the weak booking on raw the past few weeks.
I ***** wit u Jon.always got some intelligent stuff to say,glad your pops is doing better also
Just finished Raw. Man that was terrible. Thankfully we had my boy Heath to steal the show! :smokin
Anymore recommendations for good/funny LAW Podcast Reviews? Just finished Slammiversary 2005 :lol:
JBL was trollin soo hard. 9.99. Someone go back and rewatch raw and count how many times 9.99 was said. I would, but i dont think i could waste 3 hours on that raw again. 2nd biggest PPV of the year and they do what? besides seth and teet master what was accomplished? Man it is getting harder and harder to invest 3 hours a week on this show. As much as I love the business I don't know how many more raws I can sit through.

That whole show could of been accomplished in two hours easily. They better pull the big guns out next week for the go home show. But they will waste a half hour on Hulk Hogan who has nothing to do with SS. This whole PPV has the build up of a B grade PPV.

- We all know brock and cena will have to face off on monday and get physical in some type of way. Right?
- The Bella and Steph match can't be anymore setup.
- Miz/Ziggler? does anyone care? Miz is so bad that this match will be terrible. And poor Zigs will take the heat for not connecting
- Paige is a way better heel. The two diva matches have the best buildups besides the main event.
- Seth and Jeans will be wrestling for the briefcase, which has my interest. Plus we all know those two will bring the house down and easily should steal the show.
- I think I'm over Roman's Reign and this whole feud. Just feed him to HHH already and see what happens.
- Flag vs Flag match? if not for the ravishing russian and Zeb no one would give two ducks about this feud.

Long story short. If i didn't have the network I wouldn't be paying 60$ or whatever it would cost to rent this. And it's all because of the weak booking on raw the past few weeks.

Tired of RR too... dude's going to get (well is getting) booked like SuperCena

Miz is terrible and it's not because he's a "good heel". He flat out sucks.

I caught the vids on WatchWrestling and I might've missed soemthing but where were the tag titles? Where is the US title? Where was the IC title?

They had all their champions absent (besides Cena's promo)
The reason I think everyone is souring on Roman Reigns is the fact that there's nothing to distract us from Roman Reigns faults anymore so they stick out more than they did before. Being by yourself means all the flaws can be assessed and analyzed. Back in his Shield days when most here were on Team Reigns, his ring work didn't stick out as much because we were distracted by the aerial styling of Suicide Seth. Reigns would get his hot tag, hit just one superman punch, then hit a wicked spear. It was kept short and simple. Then on the promo side we weren't forced to hear him try to sound like a Samoan Fonz. And even when he did slip up on the mic, we'd then be distracted and focus on the verbal delivery of Jeans Ambrose.
It doesn't feel organic with Roman anymore. Like it's being forced that he is the face. Let dude cook and give him a real storyline. Enough of these 9.99 Kane matches please.
Dolph Ziggler ‏@HEELZiggler 2h
if youre good at what u do & bust your *** every day, sometimes u catch a break. congrats @HeathSlaterOMRB
go get it kid

Slater should be saying the exact same thing to Dolph.

JBL was trollin soo hard. 9.99. Someone go back and rewatch raw and count how many times 9.99 was said. I would, but i dont think i could waste 3 hours on that raw again. 2nd biggest PPV of the year and they do what? besides seth and teet master what was accomplished? Man it is getting harder and harder to invest 3 hours a week on this show. As much as I love the business I don't know how many more raws I can sit through.

That whole show could of been accomplished in two hours easily. They better pull the big guns out next week for the go home show. But they will waste a half hour on Hulk Hogan who has nothing to do with SS. This whole PPV has the build up of a B grade PPV.

- We all know brock and cena will have to face off on monday and get physical in some type of way. Right?
- The Bella and Steph match can't be anymore setup.
- Miz/Ziggler? does anyone care? Miz is so bad that this match will be terrible. And poor Zigs will take the heat for not connecting
- Paige is a way better heel. The two diva matches have the best buildups besides the main event.
- Seth and Jeans will be wrestling for the briefcase, which has my interest. Plus we all know those two will bring the house down and easily should steal the show.
- I think I'm over Roman's Reign and this whole feud. Just feed him to HHH already and see what happens.
- Flag vs Flag match? if not for the ravishing russian and Zeb no one would give two ducks about this feud.

Long story short. If i didn't have the network I wouldn't be paying 60$ or whatever it would cost to rent this. And it's all because of the weak booking on raw the past few weeks.

If you're not watching RAW on / with a DVR you're asking to be tortured
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