Wrestling Thread Aug 4-10 | 8/7 Breaking WWE News - Alberto Del Rio FIRED

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So I'm watching NXT and Xavier Woods loses to the hippy guy CJ Parker. After supposedly forming a group and then going semi MIA as far as visibility since starting the faction on main shows. And Eva Marie was super awful versus Bailey. She really is worse than Ashley or Kelly Kelly as far as lack of in ring ability.
there goes all my hope for that faction smh.might as well kill it and make big e and kofi a tag team
What does kevin dunn look like? I always thought him and the actor Kevin Dunn are the same person but according to google they're not
there goes all my hope for that faction smh.might as well kill it and make big e and kofi a tag team

Why would wwf give us anything we want. I just don't get why they continue to torture us. They send professor X out there he recruits two guys, one of which(Big E) was on raw every single week, and another guy who is on tv a bunch. Then they send them out last week to just stand there and not say one god damn word. Then this week no sight of them whats so ever. Now I understand if they are slowly building this storyline. But wouldn't a group of misused and pissed off black guys come out and get straight to the point and fight for their right? If i was writing this show they would be one of the main things going on right now. The IWC went bonkers over this and from the looks of it its either dead or not going to be what we all want it to be.

I am giving this company until WrestleMania to change my mind if not I think i am going to finally quit after 27 years of being the most diehard fan of this company. I will never quit being a wrestling junkie, but I will not give this ******** company my money anymore. I never went anywhere i stuck with them through the mid 2000s and mid 90s. I was there for HHH humping dead bodies and there for the Corre. But i can't take the ******** storylines and plot hole after plot hole. Not to mention I'm sick of looking at the King and his gaudy Affliction shirts.
Also word on the street is within minutes of his release TNA called Albert up. I wasn't a huge fan of his character after the initial newness wore off, but I think that will be a good signing if they get him in there and let him cook. And work his own style that he did in Mexico and not the dumbed down style of wwe.
Came here cuz I was late on RAW and wanted to compliment Stephanie's perfectly done Hunter Hearst Helmsley style Pedigree but saw that one of my favs Alberto Del Rio got fired :smh:
Review-A-Raw, Review-A-Wai, Review-An-Impact are immediate listens for me every single week.  I never listen to WhatsNXT.  The LAW itself is listened to if I have time.

Wrestling Observer Radio comes above all.

Pretty much this. I only listen to LAW on Sunday after a PPV, other than that it's a miss for me. I don't really like Agnew or Braden.. Mouth is okay, but Wai/John are my MVPs for the Podcast scene.
Review-A-Raw, Review-A-Wai, Review-An-Impact are immediate listens for me every single week.  I never listen to WhatsNXT.  The LAW itself is listened to if I have time.

Wrestling Observer Radio comes above all.

Agreed! I literally listen to Wrestling Podcast 80% of the time, I work from home, so my Podcast playlist is:
- Wrestling Observer - Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturday nights (They cover MMA is there is a PPV) and Sunday
- LAW - Everyday, except Friday and Saturday when they dont have shows.
- Colt Cabana - Wednesday Nights
- Chris Jericho - Wednesdays and Fridays
- Stone Cold - Tues and Thurs
- Jim Ross - Wednesdays

And if I finish all those I listen to:
- MLW, Sunday show and Cornette Show
- PWTorch whatever is a free podcast
- Between the Ropes
and After Buzz if I really run out of stuff

None of my friends except the dude I run a wrestling podcast with hates riding in the car with me.
Agreed! I literally listen to Wrestling Podcast 80% of the time, I work from home, so my Podcast playlist is:
- Wrestling Observer - Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturday nights (They cover MMA is there is a PPV) and Sunday
- LAW - Everyday, except Friday and Saturday when they dont have shows.
- Colt Cabana - Wednesday Nights
- Chris Jericho - Wednesdays and Fridays
- Stone Cold - Tues and Thurs
- Jim Ross - Wednesdays

And if I finish all those I listen to:
- MLW, Sunday show and Cornette Show
- PWTorch whatever is a free podcast
- Between the Ropes
and After Buzz if I really run out of stuff

None of my friends except the dude I run a wrestling podcast with hates riding in the car with me.

damn.. saying you love podcast is an understatment
Agreed! I literally listen to Wrestling Podcast 80% of the time, I work from home, so my Podcast playlist is:
- Wrestling Observer - Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturday nights (They cover MMA is there is a PPV) and Sunday
- LAW - Everyday, except Friday and Saturday when they dont have shows.
- Colt Cabana - Wednesday Nights
- Chris Jericho - Wednesdays and Fridays
- Stone Cold - Tues and Thurs
- Jim Ross - Wednesdays

And if I finish all those I listen to:
- MLW, Sunday show and Cornette Show
- PWTorch whatever is a free podcast
- Between the Ropes
and After Buzz if I really run out of stuff

None of my friends except the dude I run a wrestling podcast with hates riding in the car with me.

DC wants his gimmick back!

This is like when Fake Sting came in and Stinger Splashed Lex! :lol:
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