Wrestling Thread Aug 4-10 | 8/7 Breaking WWE News - Alberto Del Rio FIRED

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What does kevin dunn look like? I always thought him and the actor Kevin Dunn are the same person but according to google they're not
Wish they would destroy that stupid 6-sided ring.

I actually really like that 6 sided ring..It just seems like it's smaller than it used to be..Dudes can barely move around inside it and execute their moveset..But I bet it'll look more roomy when the X Division guys ('cept for Joe's fat ****) get in there..
Angelina Love got that Owen Hart face..From 999 feet away it looks great, but once you get to around 998 feet away it's gross....

Beautiful People got those Bruiser Brody boots on..
I don't care about TNA, I just want Dixie to release a "movie"
did these guys just announce a ppv from japan in october? are they seriously spending money to travel to japan when they're about to fold?
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