Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

That's the end?!? I'm about to get back to :smokin and try to forget about this crap. And the Eagles have to win to make up for enduring TLC.
why they burying Ambrose for? let him flourish. Bray kinda improved but he's not on Dean's level. didn't even watch the whole PPV but i'm hearing bad things about it :lol:
Studying for finals. Catching the last 10 min 
 Bray/Dean main eventing and not chena?

How has the PPV been so far? Did they even come close to matching the NXT show
I feel they are legit trying to have everyone cancel their subscription so that they can back Outta this network. :lol:

:rofl: that seems like some ******** they'll come up with too haha. And damn Bradley Fletcher :x After seeing this crappy ppv I see him get burnt by Dez Bryant :smh:
Have yet to order the wwe network, glad i didn't start ordering it this month.

RR may make me order it, though.
I feel they are legit trying to have everyone cancel their subscription so that they can back Outta this network. :lol:

I've been listening to striker, Rodriguez, del rio ect interviews
The BIG difference between main roster and nxt right now is that the main roster lacks ANY direction.
How can you work when no one knows what the hell is going on until the night of said event.

Punk said it best, if it isn't cena then they don't really care.
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