Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

What reason have they written in for Randy to be gone this long? A fake injury? Butthurt because Shovel is in love with Rollins? Or just dont have a storyline for him right now?
Welcome to the thread brother. Be prepared to get upset every single Monday and ppv date.

i be dropping by this thread every now and then, haven't been watching as much since i been hearing the booking sucks these days, probably by RR or WM it will pick back up
Watch louie season 4 or finish the last of us???

Last of us since I don't know what Louie is.

After the iggles games. Should I......

Continue my attitude era marathon and finish where I left off? (No way out 2001), continue playing GTA V on the ps4 or continue SOA on Netflix. (Currently on season 2....just started getting into it....SUPER LATE PASS)
Last of us since I don't know what Louie is.

After the iggles games. Should I......

Continue my attitude era marathon and finish where I left off? (No way out 2001), continue playing GTA V on the ps4 or continue SOA on Netflix. (Currently on season 2....just started getting into it....SUPER LATE PASS)

If you don't know what louie is and your into comedy I suggest you go check it out on Netflix. Gonna finish the last of us in this tunnel right now
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