Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

PPV was pure trash as expected. Ziggler and Harper did cook tho. After hearing Dean on Jericho's podcast, I can't believe he agreed to that ending. :smh:

Yeah I'm pretty much done with watching WWE raw live.. The only time ill watch live is the ppv.. Everything else will be the 90 minutes version on Hulu plus..
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My favorite show till jim and Pam got married and then they killed it. "Present are the best way to show someone how much you care this amount of dollars" :lol: kinda true too

Yessir, that show was so much better when Jim was in pain :lol: dudes soft

Creed and Kevin :pimp:
i lost my fantasy football league by 3 points ****ign chip kelly vultured me out of 3 tds. would've won a championship next week.
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That ladder match was brutal to watch in person. Hope them two dudes are ok. Kane and Ryback put me to sleep. That divas match sucked. Seth Rollins got it loved the way he worked the crowd. Dean and Bray ending
During the Swagger match if you noticed that big YES Chant it was because it was a fight in the crowd and dude started the chant. That crowd fight>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Swaggers match
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