Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

I like Trips actually..And I don't even mind some of his play politics games during his in-ring career cause everyone did..And I 100% don't think he married Stephanie for anything other than the fact they sincerely love each other..But dude has also gone out of his way to try and bury people..He's kissed way too much *** and back stab way too many people..I'd have to say that overall I don't know if Shovel makes my top 25 list..
I just think its funny a guy who had a hand in runing the business with his politics is literally the only one who can save it (as in hes actually close enough to the situation to have a shot)

Where is shane o mac
Ok, I get what you guys are saying, but like case said anyone and everyone in the position to play politics usually does. As far as burying ppl the past is already done, but I think he's been doing the right thing now that he's a part timer/suit. I know the Punk/Nash angle was garbage but he did put over the shield and Bryan in some solid matches.
WWE's merchandise department has been told no new Lesnar merchandise will come out. Any merchandise earmarked for Lesnar, to make it for Sheamus, which means Sheamus will receive a big push after WM31 and Lesnar is leaving.

Y2J to host the highlight reel with Rusev and Lana tonight.
My top 3 list to leave the WWE forever:
  1. Cena
  2. Sheamus
  3. Big Show/Kane
1 & 2 & 3 : John Cena

id take the rapper Cena, but this same ol bs the last 10 yrs 
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Got shipping confirmation on my elfs last 2 gifts. Shipping what I have thursday 2 day express. Pwg and pro wrestling tees are garbage so those will have to be shipped out late December or whenever they decide to ship em out :smh:
Only reason I'm watching is since around this time of year, the storylines start building up for Wrestlemania... or if not, they at least get a bit better. Not expecting much, but hoping for a good show after last night's train wreck.
Only reason I'm watching is since around this time of year, the storylines start building up for Wrestlemania... or if not, they at least get a bit better. Not expecting much, but hoping for a good show after last night's train wreck.
6 weeks till the rumble = 2 weeks of filler and big show in a diaper, 4 weeks to build up the ppv.

Don't waste your time till the first raw of January if that.
So how does Romarains say he will be the first former NXT star to win the belt. Daniel Bryan doesn't count? Yea he didn't do the current NXT but it was still NXT
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