Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

So while ziggler and harper were giving it their all in their match, the locker room decided to mail it in cuz they KNEW they wouldnt be able to keep up with a mainly Indy superstar NXT roster? Thats embarrassing. Thats why ppl dont watch WWE no more and either stopped watching wrestling altogether or only watch indy wrestling. Not watching RAW tonight but I'll be checking the thread
So while ziggler and harper were giving it their all in their match, the locker room decided to mail it in cuz they KNEW they wouldnt be able to keep up with a mainly Indy superstar NXT roster? Thats embarrassing. Thats why ppl dont watch WWE no more and either stopped watching wrestling altogether or only watch indy wrestling. Not watching RAW tonight but I'll be checking the thread
thread will be glorious 

WWE planning a Trish Stratus Appreciation show on Raw in early 2015. She is expected to have a match a WM31, most likely VS Paige.

WWE planning a Trish Stratus Appreciation show on Raw in early 2015. She is expected to have a match a WM31, most likely VS Paige.
Have Paige take the Butterfree Belt back from Ape Brooks and defend against Trish at Mania
So let me get this straight,

Triple H

All have matches at mainia? Who's working on Monday night? Then Vince wonders why this new generation can't get over.
Wait why the Trips hate? I never understood it. I'm sure people will cite the "burial tour" and marrying Steph. Honestly he put on some good matches, a few here and there that he didn't need to win, but has he buried more folks than Cena? Imo the only person that he really hurt in 04-05was Booker. Steiner was trash by then and Goldberg didn't care about the business anyway. Not to mention he did put a few ppl over. Anyone care to discuss?
He's hated mostly because of his backstage antics.

I can't see how any wrestling fan could hate him based on in-ring ability.
he put over jeff hardy so he's tolerable in my book but he's done a lot of other questionable stuff
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