Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Yeah I mean it sucks that the current product isn't good but that doesn't devalue the network at all to me. SO much more content that is great and they still add to it.
Who sells the Finn Balor Club shirt
I missed all of TLC last night and I couldn't care less..From what I've read today there wasn't much to get excited for..While I love Dolph, I don't see why they put the strap back on him for 83rd time..Should've kept in on Harper and let him shine..Maybe start a nice couple month long feud between the two..I heard Cena get's yet another shot at Brock, which is going to be incredibly boring..

On the other hand I'm looking forward to Raw tonight, but not because of the product..It's because I enjoy hanging with yall and hatin' on WWE..
I missed all of TLC last night and I couldn't care less..From what I've read today there wasn't much to get excited for..While I love Dolph, I don't see why they put the strap back on him for 83rd time..Should've kept in on Harper and let him shine..Maybe start a nice couple month long feud between the two..I heard Cena get's yet another shot at Brock, which is going to be incredibly boring..

On the other hand I'm looking forward to Raw tonight, but not because of the product..It's because I enjoy hanging with yall and hatin' on WWE..
this to the max every word 
-Coming out of the PPV last night, I've been told many in the company are not happy with the end result. While many knew it would be tough to top the NXT show, there were people who thought it could be pulled off.

There have been rumblings that some talent knew they couldn't top NXT so in a silent protest in favor of Triple H, some superstars were described "mailing in" their matches last night. Many are in favor of Triple H and what he has done with the NXT product and feel it is time for Triple H to take the lead on the main roster.

John Cena held a talent meeting about an hour ago which was described to me as forceful yet calm in his approach. Cena stressed that a silent protest is not what the roster needs. Instead, they need to go out there and start stepping it up every night for their point to be proven.
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why do they need to step it up when the writers/bookers don't? they need to open their mouths and each one of them demand change.
-Coming out of the PPV last night, I've been told many in the company are not happy with the end result. While many knew it would be tough to top the NXT show, there were people who thought it could be pulled off.

There have been rumblings that some talent knew they couldn't top NXT so in a silent protest in favor of Triple H, some superstars were described "mailing in" their matches last night. Many are in favor of Triple H and what he has done with the NXT product and feel it is time for Triple H to take the lead on the main roster.

John Cena held a talent meeting about an hour ago which was described to me as forceful yet calm in his approach. Cena stressed that a silent protest is not what the roster needs. Instead, they need to go out there and start stepping it up every night for their point to be proven.
sounds just like cena - he the only one winning with this current format 
 . shovel gon bury cena into a the funkadactyl 
Cena is the ultimate company man.
fixed i cant blame him he is winning in this formula making millions , in the attitude era he was just green trunks guy . with his talent when trips takes over he's the new woo woo woo guy , i hope someone can ps that for me 
-Coming out of the PPV last night, I've been told many in the company are not happy with the end result. While many knew it would be tough to top the NXT show, there were people who thought it could be pulled off.

There have been rumblings that some talent knew they couldn't top NXT so in a silent protest in favor of Triple H, some superstars were described "mailing in" their matches last night. Many are in favor of Triple H and what he has done with the NXT product and feel it is time for Triple H to take the lead on the main roster.

John Cena held a talent meeting about an hour ago which was described to me as forceful yet calm in his approach. Cena stressed that a silent protest is not what the roster needs. Instead, they need to go out there and start stepping it up every night for their point to be proven.

Embarrassing on so many levels.
why do they need to step it up when the writers/bookers don't? they need to open their mouths and each one of them demand change.


talent, desire, stepping it up, effort, heart all that nonsense does not matter if the hacks known as the writers FIRST AND FOREMOST being Vince McMahon keep screwing it up
i wanna know who thought that jeans finish was a good idea :lol: i rather the chair appear out of nowhere and crush ambrose
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