Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Boot-Camp Match Y'All!!!

featuring Jeans & Bray Wyatt!

special guest appearance by WWE HOFer Sgt. Slaughter
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Bryan looks like he doesn't use deodorant, word to Gambino
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-As noted several times in the past, there has been a lot of speculation regarding WWE signing top independent professional wrestler Uhaa Nation.

The latest word going around is that WWE offered Nation a developmental deal, however there is no word yet as to whether or not he has accepted the offer.

For what it’s worth, there has been some talk going around on the independent wrestling scene about Nation no longer accepting independent bookings past a certain date.
-TNA reportedly made another attempt at signing Alberto Del Rio. According to one source, TNA made a very serious money offer, rumored to be in the $400,000 per year range.

One of the issues in the negotiations is said to be TNA’s attempt to get exclusivity of Del Rio, as it is widely known that he plans to work for AAA’s Lucha Underground show in 2015, as well as Ring Of Honor, the latter of which is already being officially advertised.

It’s believed that if TNA wants a shot at Del Rio, they’ll have to either drop the request for exclusivity or up the money offer. Apparently, TNA is trying to sell Del Rio on the fact that he’ll get more exposure in the United States by working with them.

Because of the fact that current TNA executive John Gaburick worked closely with Del Rio during their time in WWE, it’s said that he is pushing hard to get him.
-For those who saw the NXT Takeover: R Evolution special on the WWE Network last Thursday, you saw former wrestler Corey Graves talk about how WWE’s “world-class doctors” advised him to retire after concussion issues.

Apparently the Graves segment where he made that comment was purposely planned, partially designed as a shot towards CM Punk.

It’s said that Graves putting over WWE’s doctors as world-class and talking about how they identified his problem with no issues and did the right thing, resulting in him keeping a job with the company, was all aimed as a response to comments made by Punk on the “Art of Wrestling” podcast.
-For those who saw the NXT Takeover: R Evolution special on the WWE Network last Thursday, you saw former wrestler Corey Graves talk about how WWE’s “world-class doctors” advised him to retire after concussion issues.

Apparently the Graves segment where he made that comment was purposely planned, partially designed as a shot towards CM Punk.

It’s said that Graves putting over WWE’s doctors as world-class and talking about how they identified his problem with no issues and did the right thing, resulting in him keeping a job with the company, was all aimed as a response to comments made by Punk on the “Art of Wrestling” podcast.

NXT is ran by HHH, who despises Punk so that doesn't surprise me.
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- As noted in the recent past, WWE’s creative team was reportedly told to come up with a storyline for Rey Mysterio that would take him from around Survivor Series all the way through WrestleMania. Obviously since Survivor Series has come and gone, as well as the pay-per-view after that, it’s said that whatever storyline they came up with is now off.
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So they can let these Troops come from the rafters but they couldn't let Sting?


US Troops>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sting
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