Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

I rather see Jericho vs Zayn than Rollins. Give Rollins a legit spotlight and let Jericho put someone over that needs to be put over.
Rollins will need to be put over after he eats that pin from Cena this Sunday and then Orton at the rumble :smh: then to get pinned again by reigns :smh:
damn man :lol: why can't we have nice things :smh: rollins has been so dope this year that you're right he'll get tossed aside for top ramen
2015 feuds planned for Seth

1. Orton
2. Reigns
3. Jericho

I think we get Seth VS Jericho at WM31, though.

Former TNA star Crimson is on WWE's radar and may be offered a contract real soon. Vince loves guys with his look and size so consider him signed.

Though I hardly remembered what Crimson even did in TNA, I'm with this. I feel like he could basically come in and be a completely different person than he was in TNA, and still be successful. I wish they'd take a look at Magnus though. He's basically Cesaro, if Cesaro was given a legit chance to shine.

Jericho's last Wwe run was weak. Who had a worst run then Jericho maybe RVD.

mark henry's recent disgraceful run

I wish this never happened. Henry should've never been face when he came back.
Rollins will need to be put over after he eats that pin from Cena this Sunday and then Orton at the rumble :smh: then to get pinned again by reigns :smh:
damn man :lol: why can't we have nice things :smh: rollins has been so dope this year that you're right he'll get tossed aside for top ramen

Kinda what I was thinking. If he goes over on Cena I'll be shocked.

Rollins will win... Sheamus/Cena style tho...
Ghims who are they looking to book as cena's opponent for WM? dolph should turn heel and have that match with him. Anybody but rusev.

The only tag team more generic than this one would be two of these Cody Rhodes. Man he was a major CAW back then :lol:
i'll put nxt on in the background as i work on this short story for grad school.i'm taking that wrestler character from my novel and seeing if i could create a solid 4-5 pager. i need 9 more pages of material and I'm good to apply.
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I wouldn't be so down on Rollins losing to Cena on Sunday. He still has the MITB and it's going to be an absolutely huge moment when he cashes in on either Brock or Cena...
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