Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

My dude Mizark stretching the **** outta ADR tights in that 2k15 vid.
2015 feuds planned for Seth

1. Orton
2. Reigns
3. Jericho

I think we get Seth VS Jericho at WM31, though.

Former TNA star Crimson is on WWE's radar and may be offered a contract real soon. Vince loves guys with his look and size so consider him signed.
I rather see Jericho vs Zayn than Rollins. Give Rollins a legit spotlight and let Jericho put someone over that needs to be put over.
Rollins will need to be put over after he eats that pin from Cena this Sunday and then Orton at the rumble :smh: then to get pinned again by reigns :smh:
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I'm currently watching the building an army part of the Monday Night War doc. That's why I
typed it.

LOL. I get what WCW was trying to do back then when they hit the reset bottom, but has their ever been a more lopsided feud as far as the status of each wrestler? Who will actually take Kidman seriously as an upper level guy when just last week he was struggling with The Artist Formally Known As Prince Iaukea??

Also, my elf's last gift fiiiiiiiinally came in. So I'll send them off tomorrow :smokin.
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