Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

If it makes sense Morrison in WWE was like a boy here in LU he's more of a man. Looks like he's matured a lot as a worker. Wouldn't mind him returning.
It's probably a lazy comparison but Morrison reminds me of Jeff Hardy when Jeff broke through and became a main eventer instead of just a spot fest junkie.
Don't get D Fly D Fly 's hopes up



There would be alot of good potential matches for him tho.
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I'm gonna put together a list of matches I wanna watch on my flight to Costa Rica in April. This Ricochet vs KUSHIDA match will be on it. Tremendous psychology and storytelling. KUSHIDA has some brilliant reversals into these arm holds. Awesome finish and last few minutes. WWE is brain dead to not sign Ricochet to NXT. Kid can flat out work.
King Booker losing his accent and reverting back to Booker T when he gets mad always gets me.

King Booker gimmick brought the lulz.
I've noticed that during his interviews (Jericho most recently), Dean Ambrose can't string together anything close to a full coherent thought.
I like dude's character but jeez.
I've noticed that during his interviews (Jericho most recently), Dean Ambrose can't string together anything close to a full coherent thought.
I like dude's character but jeez.

Jericho and Rosenberg are trying to 1 up each other as the most annoying podcast host.
I'm currently watching the building an army part of the Monday Night War doc. That's why I
typed it.
I know many don't but I really mess with Nation man. That Stardust Press is graceful as hell man. I just love his spots. I know a lot of people don't like his look but dude is aight.
I'm gonna put together a list of matches I wanna watch on my flight to Costa Rica in April. This Ricochet vs KUSHIDA match will be on it. Tremendous psychology and storytelling. KUSHIDA has some brilliant reversals into these arm holds. Awesome finish and last few minutes. WWE is brain dead to not sign Ricochet to NXT. Kid can flat out work.

He's working on Lucha Underground
i know he's prince puma just saying WWE needs to pursue him. the talent is there to be a great upper mid carder.
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