Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Wweshop has 30% off. Just copped my balor and Owens shirt for 13 bucks each. GO GO GO!!!

:wow: copped!

View media item 1301755

What a cold *** shirt. Ditto to the wearing it in public though. There's only certain wrestling related shirts I'd wear in public, and that's not one of them

Very hopeful for the future of this company with all the talent down at Full Sail. Haven't felt this way in a while.

BUT. They have to be booked properly. They could very well be buried as soon as they get to the main roster

burial is my main fear. the main roster storylines, booking, etc. is in shambles

Agreed :smh: :smh:

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rare WWF tv taping appearance by NWA Heavyweight Champion Harley Race featuring a guest appearance by WWF Champ Bobby Backlund! enjoy
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Damn, every one of them are looking delicious, even Rosa. Shockingly I think Cameron is the MVP of that photo
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