Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Now why would I go and do something like that?...

I remember last year... You got your shirt from Kevin Steen directly... And I remember laughing my *** off at your description of reading his name on the package...

:lol: I had just came home from like a 17 hour work day and saw a package from Kevin Steen like WTF.
The E needs to go ahead and have Rusev turn the U.S. belt into a Russian belt and let it fade away with him after he gets fed to Cena.
Thank you...

:nerd: If you're sending me something, I'm sending you something.

Already got something for JRS, Aquagrape, Case, Edgar, and looking for something for NewZ now.

It was the same for me... I remember I got home late after a long *** day at work... and just saw celticspride34 celticspride34 in the preview.. Abd was like, what's this lol...

Happy to know it made you happy lol... You deserve all the credit for making this a success...
Thank you...

:nerd: If you're sending me something, I'm sending you something.

Already got something for JRS, Aquagrape, Case, Edgar, and looking for something for NewZ now.
thanks in advance. you really didn't have to :pimp:

the other match of theres i watched was sweet will check this one out eventually
With the size of Rick?, Victor?, the big guy's ears I'm surprised he can't fly like Dumbo...

Connor is the big guy, viktor is the small guy and a dam good wrestler. One of the last hart dungeon graduates with nattie and tyson kidd. Dude been rotting in fcw/nxt for like 6 years now and then they put him a with a bum
They already completed the tapings.

They usually tape like 3 shows in a day.

Brian Kendrick competed in a dark match vs. that Crowe dude.

He's apparently just coming back to be a trainer.
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