Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

US title being converted into the European title?

OMG OMG OMG YES PLEASE, should of been cesaro that did this though
Just finished NXT... First full WWE show I've watched since Summerfest... Even though it's not really WWE... VKM would never let anything like this succeed in the big stage... Watching this actually made me sad, knowing that none of these guys, or girls, will never truly flourish on RAW... Pro Wrestling is in desperate need of competition...

I know I haven't watched any 90's All Japan... But that women's match may have been the best I've ever seen... They really drew me in, in a way I don't remember a women's match ever doing... Women's, not Diva Btw...

Honestly I think I'm off WWE till VKM is dead... I'll watch stuff here and there... But I don't have any reason to develop an emotional connection with the product...
The European title is so stupid to me..What purpose does it serve?..

what purpose is the US title? Might as well bring the Euro title back and put it on Rusev and let his reign continue. Makes all the better when he drops it.
Looks like the main show is going to get outshined by NXT once again. TLC card doesn't look promising. Only matches that interest me are Amborse Wyatt and Harper Ziggler other than that the show looks stale. Vince clearly doesn't have any say in NXT and thats why its so good
Vince probably doesn't even know anybody on the nxt roster except Zayn, Charlotte and Neville. Oh yeah and Kenta cause he took a pic with him.
The European title is so stupid to me..What purpose does it serve?..

the dubya see dubya guy doesn't want to see the US Title go

I'd have preferred Rusev to slap a sticker of the Russian flag on the title ala Lance Storm but this also would suffice

They would then need to re-establish the title heirachy of it being below the IC Title. It'll give those mid-carders and below something to strive for
The European title is so stupid to me..What purpose does it serve?..

Its just as pointless as the U.S. title. I mean isn't the intercontinental title supposed to be the evolved form of the U.S. title and the European tittle. They should bring back a cruiser weight esq tittle to have under the intercontinental title. That way the title would make sense in the form of elevating toward the brass ring.
haha they gave steen, chris hero's wwe gimmick.

I like the idea of turning nevel into one of rollins' henchmen or a heyman guy.

roman reigns is going to end up being this generations batista. he needs to embrace it and just become a "deal with it" guy.

is there a prediction contest that I missed?
Seen that NXT show yesterday and man that was awesome. It reminded me why I love wrestling. My boy Steen gon be great in the WWE, I can feel it. Also Sasha Banks is my fav diva now lol. Not only is she pretty af but shes the perfect woman heel and she put on a EXCELLENT match with Charlotte
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