Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Because of the success of takeover, guys backstage feel motivated to put on a great show tomorrow.

We shall see.
I just looked over the TLC card.

It's going to be nigh impossible for them to match the quality of Revolution.
I remember Payback following a big NXT show and Payback was a pleasant surprise

Never say never, but REvolution was :pimp: best show top to bottom in a WHILE
Islanders just tied the game against the Blackhawks. Punk just died a little inside. And the lead just now. Punk's gonna feel like this in UFC.

Tonga looks like a bad mofo

Ibushi's finisher is too dope man :x
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I just looked over the TLC card.

It's going to be nigh impossible for them to match the quality of Revolution.
I'm only looking forward to the ladder match tbh. I don't wanna see Cena go over Seth. I think the TLC match is just gonna be a spot fest
He's lean as hell too I wonder what his bmi is pause
No racism but I feel like this match is watching a sensei vs student
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Sahsa's not ugly, it really just depends on what pics she takes :lol: Sometimes she's :pimp: and other times she's :rolleyes

The main roster shouldn't need NXT as motivation man. They should be delivering every night. Just like my friend, Dolph.
Those fools say that after every nxt ppv

Right :lol: ? Only dudes that could watch NXT and then try to surpass it are Dolph, Cesaro, Kidd, Harper, and the Usos
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Sick move Ibushi goes for a moonsault Okada rolls away Kota lands on his feet and backflips onto Okada but Okada pus his legs up to block the move
He has put on some weight over the last 3 years. Compare him now to his old stuff in DDT and you can see the development in his shoulders.

Also peep where Charlotte got her moonsault spot from. Kota kinda does it vs Okada
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