Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Here's your survey:

Will TLC suck

Will Bray ramble about nothing
Will his chair make an appearance

Will Titty have a nip slip
Will the stooges interfere in the table match
Will Big Show bore the crap out of you
Will the doctor continue his push tonight and assist someone?
Will randy interfere and if so will he be wearing pants?
Will Dolph take a bump off the ladder?
Will the Cesaro burial continue?
My Elf got one of his gifts yesterday
I never liked the European title..It just never made sense..The logical point of the title would be that the holder was the champ of Europe and would defend the belt in Europe..But we never saw the belt get defended in Europe because WWF/E rarely goes/went there..Me not wanting the belt back has nothing to do with a WCW belt being scrapped..

I've been saying that the TV Title needs to be brought back (I'd prefer the Cruiserweight, but we know Vince hates midgets)..And the belt should only be defended on Raw and SD with a 10 minute time limit..Have it be the "intro" belt, with the IC being the "middle" belt, and the WWEWHCOTW be the top belt..It gives the talent a natural, and logical, progression that fans can follow..
Only mid card belt that should exist is the Intercontinental. The Cruiserweight belt should be brought back tho but that wont happen
I wouldn't mind having the TV title if they actually had title matches once per week or so. It makes more sense than having US/Euro title and would give the random midcarders like Fandango and such something to actually fight for....
I don't mind the European title. It doesn't help that it's always been treated like crap, oh wait so has the WWE U.S. Title :stoneface:
I wouldn't mind having the TV title if they actually had title matches once per week or so. It makes more sense than having US/Euro title and would give the random midcarders like Fandango and such something to actually fight for....

That's what I've been saying for the longest time..WWE has a problem developing new talent, and there isn't really any easier way to get the fans invested in someone than to put a belt on them..Plus if they have to defend it on at least 1 tv show per week then it builds the holder as someone who will fight to keep his title and it gives the fans a guaranteed title match to look forward to every week.It's so damn simple, but we all know WWE refuse to do things the easy way..
Na I dont think a title match a week is good. That gives no time to build up fueds. A tv title match every 2 or 3 weeks would be cool plus having a title match on tv is a special thing. If you give one every week especially with the same belt it'll lose its appeal. I also think if its gon have a time limit put on it, it should be 15 to 20 minutes. Vince doesnt like time draws so 10 minute time limit matches would be like 5 minute squash matches lol or something stupid
nxt was 
 ,best wrestling/storylines in the game right now.that roster is ready.smh i hate vince 

european title **** it,why not throw it on a midcarder for a push,but just like anything the booking has to be right behind,and i def dont have faith in the wwe to actually do something right with it.but whatever

another main event for cena smh and unfortunately after he wins tonight,he will be in yet another main event at the rumble 
.i hate vince 

this muhh****** reigns man,we as fans cant let him be the next cena,we dont need no more cenas.no more supermans,just a good 5-6 dudes that are able to win the title at anytime ,but once again that goes back to good writing and well.....i hate vince 

no survey??? 
Here's your survey:

Will TLC suck

Will Bray ramble about nothing
Will his chair make an appearance

Will Titty have a nip slip
Will the stooges interfere in the table match
Will Big Show bore the crap out of you
Will the doctor continue his push tonight and assist someone?
Will randy interfere and if so will he be wearing pants?
Will Dolph take a bump off the ladder?
Will the Cesaro burial continue?
heard wwe main roster complaining that nxt has better creative and wrestling opportunities lol,thats obvious.i guess dudes wana start reaching for the ring,honestly these dudes got a good point creative is cheeks and they need to demand better,vince wanna go out aand talk **** about the roster so now they gotta reason to fire back,hopefully this leads to better things and not a bunch of future endeavors 
heard wwe main roster complaining that nxt has better creative and wrestling opportunities lol,thats obvious.i guess dudes wana start reaching for the ring,honestly these dudes got a good point creative is cheeks and they need to demand better,vince wanna go out aand talk **** about the roster so now they gotta reason to fire back,hopefully this leads to better things and not a bunch of future endeavors 

Who cares?!?!..WWE is out of Sting sweatpants!!!..My whole ****** day ruined..Go to hell Vince, you old dried up piece of ****.. :smh: :rolleyes
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Here's your survey:

Will TLC suck

Will Bray ramble about nothing
Will his chair make an appearance

Will Titty have a nip slip
Will the stooges interfere in the table match
Will Big Show bore the crap out of you
Will the doctor continue his push tonight and assist someone?
Will randy interfere and if so will he be wearing pants?
Will Dolph take a bump off the ladder?
Will the Cesaro burial continue?
after NXT R:Evolution, i'm considering not even wasting time watching TLC. just to complain about how garbage it is.

even low expectations won't be met tonight. 

hopefully the main roster feels the pressure to put on a better show than NXT tonight. 
finally got my gifts out. hopefully my SS enjoys them. Sorry to get the OG packages sent straight to you. wanted them to arrive before X-Mas. 
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