Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Who cares?!?!..WWE is out of Sting sweatpants!!!..My whole ****** day ruined..Go to hell Vince, you old dried up piece of ****.. :smh: :rolleyes

WTF I just saw that :x I dont think ive ever seen them sell outta stuff smh. Alot of Sting stuff isnt even in mens sizes anymore :smh:

My man Tug :pimp:
Just woke up, times are sad when wwe only see's their developmental as the only competition :smh:

And also I kinda forgot today was the golden globes of wrestling. Might not watch
Is there a prediction contest? If so what page?

Here's your survey:

Will TLC suck

Will Bray ramble about nothing
Will his chair make an appearance

Will Titty have a nip slip
Will the stooges interfere in the table match
Will Big Show bore the crap out of you
Will the doctor continue his push tonight and assist someone?
Will randy interfere and if so will he be wearing pants?
Will Dolph take a bump off the ladder?
Will the Cesaro burial continue?
Watching that DDT video I just posted. This is some off the wall stuff man. Dudes getting suplexed on hills and choked our by tree branch switches.

Little od - ed from njpw world. So I need alternatives
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