Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

man i gotta watch on my computer tonight need to have this eagles game live I'm down by 10 in my league with shady going he gives me 11 points i diddy bop to the championship let's go!
i had some tortellini with vodka sauce during the jets game have some left over might eat the rest or just some snacks like chocolate covered pretzels or something
Kenny Omega shooting a Roman candle at dude dressed like a Gundam :lol:

That's gotta be the same promotion where Omega wrestled that little kid, right?
Yep DDT. Some entertaining stuff man. Now they are doing baseball slide kicks down a slippery waterfall slope. Ibushi did a standing moonsault on gravel

I believe that was Ice Ribbon...

Sami talks about the campground shows on the y2j podcast... And how a blow up doll was champ and putting on 25 minute matches... I know what I typed...
Nah this is DDT. He was talking about his training in Canada. Same premise though.

Good podcasts.
Jr with 123 Waltman Kid
Jericho with Zayn and Neville

You're wrong old man... It was Ice Ribbon where Kenny Omega wrestled the little girl...

Rambling Bout of the Day 3/14/12: Haruka vs Kenny…:
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