Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

Originally Posted by Peep Game

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My god this crowd boo'd those kids

goddamnit. thank you based god.
lol Awesome.
the seed has been planted.. mini-heel turn is inevitable now for Cena til Wrestlemania.. but he'll never fully be a heel.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Piper speaking the truth.  Cena not taking things seriously as usual.

What are you talking about?  Your hate blinds you.  Cena speaking the truth as well and being serious about it

I'm just saying, Cena instead of saying he doesn't care about people booing him should have a different response.  He doesn't need to turn heel, but he can lash out a bit on them.
Did this N_____ just kiss his plastic WWE shop branded teamCena Hustle Loyalty Respect dog tags
Like they were some good luck charm passed down to him by an old war hero? Are you F_______ kidding me
It jus got real lol. Hot rod jus did wut every Cena hater has ever wanted to do n Cena walked away jus like da %*$@! he is smh. this man will NEVER turn heel n dat whole segment pretty much jus proved dat
Terrible waste of a segment.... Not even have Cena turn heel... But still he could have AA'd Piper...

You know in all honesty it is killing Cena inside.. And while what he says has some truth.. It is probably killing him that he's getting boo'd like he's the Iron Sheik in 1991
Both those dudes talking about how the worst thing to happen to them was getting away from Miz, yeah the crowds cheered for them but once they weren't involved with Miz they became nothing and had to use personal issues (Morrison's woman banging the majority of the boys in the back.... Riley getting a DUI) to try to stay revelant....
Cena's never turning heel. He did look legitimately pissed though. I'd take a face Cena with simply more
dimensions to his character than stale regular microwave Cena.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

wonder if a-ry knew that he was looking at his future just now.
. Riley actually has charisma.

....oh &@^# they pretty much just said "*@&# Morrison, we're not giving u a match"

Brodus running his mouth on Twitter just cost him another week on Raw.

Tyler Black said he was going to debut about 6 months ago and we've never seen him.
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