Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

yea they gave morrison too much heart in his last appearance for them to just let him go like that. if he was going to tna or anywhere else they would have buried him hard...
Sorry for the delay folks, here they are...

The Miz - Royal Rumble 2011:

Trunk Design 1: 0, 255, 28
Trunk Design 2: 0, 255, 28
Trunk Design 3: 0, 255, 102
Trunk Design 4: 0, 255, 45
Trunk Design 5: 0, 255, 80
Trunk Design 6: 0, 255, 50
Knee Pads: 0, 255, 35
Kickpads Design 1: 0, 255, 35
Kickpads Design 2: 0, 255, 36
Kickpads Design 3: 0, 255, 70
Boots: 0, 255, 15

The Miz - WM 27:

Trunk Design 1: 0, 255, 20
Trunk Design 2: 0, 255, 20
Trunk Design 3: 20, 130, 150
Trunk Design 4: 0, 255, 5
Trunk Design 5: 20, 128, 106
Trunk Design 6: 20, 128, 106
Knee Pads: 0, 255, 35
Kickpads Design 1: 0, 255, 25
Kickpads Design 2: 21, 128, 100
Kickpads Design 3: 20, 130, 61
Boots: 0, 255, 15


Here's what the attires look like in real life: http://niketalk.yuku.com/...py-Thanksgiving-to-NTWT-

I hope people like these, I usually only edit Superstar Threads when I know I can get an outfit 100% true to life, the OCD is strong in me!
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

and i don't care what any of you all say, as much as i like him, jericho is a sellout and his music sucks.

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

ain this a @%%%%

so i turn my ps3 and it freezes, then it tells me i have a corrupted file and i had to format the ps3, which took 3 hrs

deleted everythin

i reinstall wwe '12 and i tried to go online and it tells me to put in the online axxess code and it tells me its no longer valid

now i have to purchase a code smh

damb. that's some #%%% luck. i'd kirk out if that shh happened to me. 
one of the reasons i back up my save files on a thumb drive on my ps3.

it's way to easy to loose data on a hard drive.

and JRA, not from a business revenue standpoint but more or so from a "everything we (the company and the talent) are doing storyline/character wise is only to sell more merchandise and make more money".

I'll post news from the new Observer when I get home today.  There is news about Air Boom possibly dropping the titles.  Bourne is eligible to return today.  

Drives me nuts that the site is blocked at work but I can get to just about any other site.
Originally Posted by Agthekid

This fool Kofi out here getting at 11 years olds

Possible heel turn?


he better delete that before vince suspends him. poor lil boy prolly crying his heart out right now.. 
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

reading WWE news seeing how anything and everything going on inside the company consists soley around the basis of money is a bit depressing.
i don't think it's ever been THIS bad before.

You mean them not having any and not drawing?
look at 1994-mid 97. now THATS bad.

I think that's a bit different, cause that lead to Vince being very desperate about actually putting out a good entertaining product.
Right now, Vince is solely concerned with money and being accepted in the mainstream. You notice for the past 6-7 years
Vince/the WWE has appeared to almost be begging for attention and mainstream coverage? When before that, the mainstream
was flocking to them? Pretty sad.

@ Kofi. Pretty much confirms them dropping the titles to (a hopefully built up & developed
Hunico/Epico/Primo team. Rosa will finally get some use

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

reading WWE news seeing how anything and everything going on inside the company consists soley around the basis of money is a bit depressing.
i don't think it's ever been THIS bad before.

You mean them not having any and not drawing?
look at 1994-mid 97. now THATS bad.

I think that's a bit different, cause that lead to Vince being very desperate about actuallyputting out a good entertaining product.
Right now, Vince is solely concerned with money and being accepted in the mainstream. You notice for the past6-7 years
Vince/the WWE has appeared to almost be begging for attention and mainstream coverage? When before that, the mainstream
was flocking to them? Pretty sad.

@ Kofi. Pretty much confirms them dropping the titles to (a hopefullybuilt up & developed
Hunico/Epico/Primoteam. Rosa will finally get some use

Crazy how the climate of today's business reminds me of when ECW first started. Replace when Shane says NWA with WWE and this could've been a promo done today
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Thanks for reposting that guide ROBPZ, I must have looked over it the first time it was posted. 

Look what I found in the warehouse at my work today... Can't believe these are still in the inventory. 
Goldberg, Sting, & Macho Man please

Good looks posting that link for that Razor Ramon/Scott Hall CAW GHIMS.

Will definitely be using that one in Universe Mode. Wish he had more Razor Ramon attires though.
I am actually liking the United Kingdom Story from RTWM, 
if it could have been tweaked a little....the potential to have a group of midcarders jump up like that would have been sick. 

Originally Posted by HOOD17

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Thanks for reposting that guide ROBPZ, I must have looked over it the first time it was posted. 

Look what I found in the warehouse at my work today... Can't believe these are still in the inventory. 
Goldberg, Sting, & Macho Man please


Add me to the list.
for those still looking for wwe 12 i found a way to get it for like 30 bucks but its kinda tricky
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