Wrestling Thread Feb 1-7 | 2/4 TNA iMPACT! Pope vs Styles, Nash vs Foley, Angle vs Tomko

Stay up 4W..you'll be good in due time
I'm kinda hyped for tonight just to see how everything will play out
Damn 4W, I hope u feel better and get past what your going through. good to see that your friend is looking out for you and taking you to dinner.

Royal Rumble was interesting last night. Lets see where this goes.

And a couple of people have been asking me about the gWo Rosters. so below are the current rosters.

This a a reference for the list of all gWo Members.

Mister916 - Chris Jericho
chino905- Bret Hart
masterhammy23 - The Undertaker
AquaGrape2345 -Kevin Nash
ao17 - Edge
USA Pride4Life - Ted DiBiase
MeanGene- Mean Gene Okerlund
CarpeDiemKJ- Macho Man Randy Savage
gstbmn- Mick Foley
Mblackmon- Booker T
Jules300- Taz
nyzMaGician- Rob Van Dam
TheDeek- John Morrison
Bonafide125- Batista
DC5 06- Randy Orton
JohnnyRedStorm- Jeff Hardy
The Minister- Ric Flair
Quiickz- New Jack
Mr DragonFlyJones- Kurt Angle
HardWork919-D-Lo Brown
22stylez- HHH
I Na Smatic I- Chris Benoit
basketballsavant-Rick Rude
Physicx- Funaki
jdkurt2- Brian Pillman
mjmoney- Hulk Hogan
furiousstylezz- Sabu
maelstroom- Eddie Guerrero
Tennhouse2- Shawn Michaels
Je Ne Sais Quoi- Moppy
Jmal516- The Rock
100PROOF- Desmond Wolf
YardFather- Dolph Ziggler
funkdoctor73- Tommy Dreamer
MambaMVP- John Cena
horchata kid- Jushin "Thunder" Liger
JayADiCt92- Stone Cold Steve Austin
Retrogearsolid- Mr.Perfect
R23J- Goldberg
RBeezy32- Razor Ramon
BayBuryYa- Elijah Burke
ovATyME316- Homicide
Bowzer Blitz- Rick Martel
shaft- Christian Cage
JRAdagreat72- Terry Funk
ElCubanoDel510- Ultimo Dragon
TeamCharisma69-Brock Lesnar
ILL matic E- Scott Steiner
The Warehouse- Kane
Michaelfoooo- Taka Michinoku
AirUpHere23- Sting
xxxoverridexxx- Doink the Clown
SoLeCity- Ultimate Warrior
NIMO007- La Parka
KrazyChino- Muhammad Hassan
TaflanDon- HBK (D-X version)
JCH3- Road Dogg
Raffy53- The Hurricane
CelticsPride34- The Sandman
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

chino you can just change LetItRock to this name lol.
 LetItRock has the Kurt Angle avy though. but i made the change. 
Originally Posted by chino905

Je Ne Sais Quoi- Moppy 

What You Didn't See At The Royal Rumble & Backstage News
WWE had the backstage area on lockdown last night to prevent and protect the surprise return of Edge from leaking out. Even invited guests who were originally invited backstage were told it was "staff only" last night.
After the Royal RumblePPV went off the air, Edge was in the ring for about another tenminutes with loud "Welcome back" chants coming from the crowd.

Inoki-WWE HOF Update
It has now been confirmed by WWE's office in Tokyo, Japan that AntonioInoki will be inducted into this year's Hall of Fame class. It was alsoannounced that Stan Hansen will be inducting him as we noted earlier.
Awesome, I wonder if they'll finally acknowledge and it put in the books that he did beat Backlund becoming the WWF champion during Bob's long *** reign.

Backstage Update On ECW's Overhaul
To update the story that WWEwill be overhauling the ECW brand in the coming months, the latest isthat big changes are planned but won't be made until afterWrestleMania. While many ideas have been tossed around, the most likelyscenario is that the ECW letters will be dropped and the show will berebranded featuring mostly younger superstars. SyFy executives havebeen pushing for WWE to incorporate themes such as science fiction andconspiracies.

TNA X-Division Star Very Pissed Off
Homicide, who was merely used for an Xplosion match during TNA's mostrecent set of television tapings, posted a few interesting thoughtsregarding his status with the company on the tagboard of a Homicidefansite (homicide187.fansites.me). Here is what he wrote: lucha thug: iwont be on tv 2 more weeks , BS polotics, sorry lucha thug: on the real, as the backstage issues going on, i feel in to be a start in tnacause bunch of bull**** going on, i thank u for putting this sitesupport me, in now it weeks im gmy gut i never going. lucha thug: starlucha thug: going to see where my future holds The owner of the siteconfirmed that it is indeed the TNA star himself posting.

Dixie Carter: WWE Is Trying To Shut Us Down, & More
TNA President Dixie Carter spoke to Fred Tropel of CanMag.com and explained that TNA Wrestling is going up against a corporate juggernaut that will stop at nothing to put them out of business.
"Our competition may not have the same opinion that competition is goodfor an industry and take every opportunity to try to shut us down," shesaid. "I mean, it is the truest of David-and-Goliath situations, but weare scrappy. We will not take no for an answer, and we are going tohave great success."

With everything that WWE has going for them, Carter believes her company has a better in ring product and knows what the fans want.

"I think that these days you don't have to be a bigger-than-lifecartoon character. I mean, it's much more about reality and what theseguys can do in the ring. They are amazing athletes," Carter said. "Ican have an all-pro football player, an NBA star on, and they say, 'Wecould never do something like this.' You have no off season. It's 52weeks a year, and then we tour in between that. These guys areincredible athletes, and we do focus on the athleticism on our showmuch, much more."
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones


Yall stay no-selling my news & notes.


I enjoyed this.

For real, props to you and JNSQ for filling in for DSK while he is on N&N sabbatical.
I've never seen half those sn in a wrestling thread

"Half Pint Brawlers" Debuts in June
Variety.com is reporting that SpikeTV will begin airing a new wrestling show called "Half Pint Brawlers" in June. The article notes that the show "will examine the world of little-person wrestling and its increasing popularity as an underground sport." It also claims that "participants often perform in venues where crowds can often reach 5,000." The show is currently slated for 6, thirty minute episodes.

Update: The Future of WWE's Raw Guest Host Concept
The Figure Four Weekly Newsletter is reporting that the original plan within WWE was to continue the Raw guest host concept up until WrestleMania 26, and then decide whether or not they wanted to continue with the concept following the big PPV. At this point, it's being said that WWE is leaning towards continuing with the gimmick, as they feel it will be a unique weapon against TNA if they decide to go live with Impact on Monday nights.
OK so not in the old thread nor in this one are we going to discuss Batista running to the ring last night?

Sorry about the rough go 4Wrestling. Keep your head up man. Things may come back around. Keep busy bro. Always remember, you could be Chavo.

RKO2004 wrote:

OK so not in the old thread nor in this one are we going to discuss Batista running to the ring last night?

what was funny about it?  does he run like Steven Segal?

and how did that guy from MnM break his face? 

Originally Posted by shaft

RKO2004 wrote:

OK so not in the old thread nor in this one are we going to discuss Batista running to the ring last night?
what was funny about it?  does he run like Steven Segal?

and how did that guy from MnM break his face? 


from wiki
   The Hardys went on to win the match,[sup][35][/sup][sup][36][/sup] but the feud continued across all three brands (Raw, ECW, and SmackDown!),[sup][37][/sup][sup][38][/sup][sup][39][/sup]and in a fatal-four way ladder match at December's Armageddon event, also involving London and Kendrick, and Dave Taylor and William Regal, Mercury suffered a legitimate injury when he was struck in the face with a ladder, breaking his nose. He immediately left the match and was rushed to an emergency room where he received five stitches to the inside of his nose and fifteen to the outsi
smh Nino. Ol 1 upping +!$...hope you slip and fall into a grease vat.

Can't wait to watch Raw later on... it's good to have the Rated R Superstar back.  Dude is def. my favorite wrestler since The Rock... I just hope he can make a quick heel turn.

And CM Punk had a star-making performance in the Rumble.  That %$$* was pure genius until the Omega one killed the good time (like always)
Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK so not in the old thread nor in this one are we going to discuss Batista running to the ring last night?

Sorry about the rough go 4Wrestling. Keep your head up man. Things may come back around. Keep busy bro. Always remember, you could be Chavo.


And I swear, about 17 of the 30 Rumble contestants last night need some running/jogging lessons.
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