Cena gets hit with a belt and is dead but in the ring he could survive land mines and a tommy gun
At the little kid in the background yelling "NOO Cena, WHYYY. Get Up Cena" after he got hit
New belt actually grew on me already.. try change the channel then go back.. it'll look better i promise :lol:
Rock talked about bringing back the history to the title and it doesn't have an eagle or the earth on it :lol:

At least it doesn't spin. Kinda bummed there's no nameplate.
*waits for the Internet to like the belt now that Punk trashed the old one and pointed at the new one*

The new joint is underwhelming.
It's exactly how it looked like in the leaked pics. That big *** W in the middle is too much, it should've been on the sides. I'd still choose this over the Spinner belt but that's not saying much.

Maybe it'll grow on me...IDK.
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For everyone saying Triple Threat.  I'm very, very confident they're not going that way.  We're still 7 weeks out from Mania (6 next week).  At the end of next week's show, the WM Main Event will be established with 5 weeks to build towards the match.  WWE is just killing time for 2 weeks which is fine with me.
I like the title 100x better than the Spinner Belt.  I just wonder what they do once Cena wins it since it has the Brama Bulls on it.
It'll probably get modified or Cena will go back to the Spinner belt.

It's okay, but I was hoping the new belt would have more of a classic look to it.
For everyone saying Triple Threat.  I'm very, very confident they're not going that way.  We're still 7 weeks out from Mania (6 next week).  At the end of next week's show, the WM Main Event will be established with 5 weeks to build towards the match.  WWE is just killing time for 2 weeks which is fine with me.

I'm not confident there will be a triple threat, but it doesn't sound out of the picture. If it doesn't happen, who's Punk's best bet at still being a top card opponent in a match?
I'm not confident there will be a triple threat, but it doesn't sound out of the picture. If it doesn't happen, who's Punk's best bet at still being a top card opponent in a match?
Only logical one left is Ryback (assuming Taker doesn't come back). But it looks like they might be putting Ryback up against the shield.
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