Wrestling Thread Feb 20-26 | 2/24 Beware, There is a Criminal (Lobo) Lurking in this Thread

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Now. How will Shawn play a role. HHH did face taker in a HIC before correct???? I know Shawn did vs taker

Not one on one. It was a 6 man match.
Hell in a Cell
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I hope WWE NEVER goes back to Minnesota.


Jericho talks about the end of the world
Undertaker mentions an apocalypse of an era

Nah.  That would be way too complicated for WWE writers.
Yeah y'all dudes chill ain't no one getting thrown of the Cell.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if there's blood though.
was totally expecting HHH to tell taker too bad when he went back to the ring, and continue to build this for another week or two.

was not at all expecting him to pull out HIAC, how they pull off the cell itself out doors will be interesting...

before they promote it, its the second HIAC ever at WM, the first Taker lynched bossman there bout at WM XV
Originally Posted by USAFAnt

Taker bout to throw HHH off the cell too 
If that happens...I will feel just like I felt when Jericho returned, dropped his mic and left
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by USAFAnt

Taker bout to throw HHH off the cell too 
If that happens...I will feel just like I felt when Jericho returned, dropped his mic and left
 I don't care bruh...it's WM...they gotta go all out. Both of em gotta be busted open. I know Undertaker ain't in no shape to take that bump so HHH gotta fly off the cell bruh.
I think what they'll do is construct steal beams around the ring, like a Ariel border, and suspend the HIAC from that, then cover it all with a tent.

Really shouldn't be a problem, no one is using MetLife Stadium, so they can technically start now.
The whole end of an era makes me think that there will be no rules as far as blood and whatnot.
I will only be satisfied with HIAC if the cell is struck by lighting while both of them are standing on top of it.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I will only be satisfied with HIAC if the cell is struck by lighting while both of them are standing on top of it.
Tell'em why u mad
Originally Posted by diew its james

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

They better fight on top of the cell!!

honestly if someone doesn't get thrown off the top of the cell this match wouldn't really mean much...would just be another cage match...
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