Wrestling Thread Feb 27-Mar 4 | 3/4 ROH 10th Anniversary Show iPPV - Briscoes vs Young Bucks (p36)

This is just a display of what the hell the Rock can get to trend and the crowd to chant.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

The Rock has crowd control like no other.
No other. None.

All the dudes in the back are
right now.

Cena trollin'.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]he's smiling though......... you get ethered... and you smile and look like..... a purejackass. wow.[/color]
Originally Posted by hombrelobo


I'm not kidding, either. I could knit a sweater with all this yawn.

Thank you. The Rock wasn't saying much.
The Rock was struggling so hard to cut a good promo and it fell flat on it's face.

Cena showed him up tonight.

Maybe Rock should have said "%+%%%" more.
I wonder who would win an actual fight between these two.

Super Cena made that segment, and you are bitter if you think otherwise.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]john cena... atta boy. i had no hope with the walk out...  the last two weeks you've surprised me.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]you are still trash though. so it doesn't matter. can't wrestler and will forever be disliked by me.[/color]
I personally wish the Rock would just go away; it's not the same when we have a very part time Rock because when he does show up we expect so much and to be honest he hasn't really delivered
Disappointing showing from the Rock. Expected more fire out of him. Cena had to come save it.
Holy crap, when the hell was the last time you heard the Rock stutter so much throughout a promo?

Cena won this night, all Rock did was be Captain Catchphrase out there.
The Rock having his lines written on his arms because he couldnt remember them was easily the funniest thing of that promo. God awful
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