Wrestling Thread Feb 27-Mar 4 | 3/4 ROH 10th Anniversary Show iPPV - Briscoes vs Young Bucks (p36)

Everything Cena said was true.

The Rock was off tonight. but I think that was part of the plan. This crowd will eat out of the palm of his hands no matter what. That was a great segment with John coming down and continuing the Dwayne Johnson hate.
Man, that's the 1st time Cena cut a better promo than Rock. Hmm, kind of a weird feeling
Last year it was funny and cool, the slogans, the twitter trends, etc but to repeat it over again? I am enjoying the serious tone that Cena is taking to the buildup.
You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.
John Cena:


The Rock was rambling on and on, worrying about making things trend.
 but Cena came out and got straight to the point.

John Cena - 2
The Rock -  0
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Everything Cena said was true.

The Rock was off tonight. but I think that was part of the plan. This crowd will eat out of the palm of his hands no matter what. That was a great segment with John coming down and continuing the Dwayne Johnson hate.
That's kind of what I was thinking too. I mean, Cena did his part in the promo, but they've been trying to get the fans
on Cena's side so badly, that that was almost the expected result. Very intrigued either way.
Wow...Cena really owned The Rock 2 weeks in a row
. Nobody can honestly say he didn't . Rock was legit heated
Well, one way WWE can turn fans against Rock is by having him cut terrible promos. Could that be their master plan?
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i'm so glad one of you is smart.[/color]
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.

totally agree. 
hombre - I think that was the whole part of this. I think everyone is sick in the WWE (including other wrestlers) that Cena is not over.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.

you may be very right...
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.  
Wow.  This is like discovering plutonium, by accident.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Well, one way WWE can turn fans against Rock is by having him cut terrible promos. Could that be their master plan?

Rock's promo was bad, but he still had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hands.

And did he seemed flustered to anyone else after Cena cut his promo and dipped?
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.

Dwayne brings out the best in Cena like no other WWE superstar.....so it doesn't matter who cuts the better promo...Rock stays winning in the end...
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.

you may be very right...

Originally Posted by sickickz23

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.

Dwayne brings out the best in Cena like no other WWE superstar.....so it doesn't matter who cuts the better promo...Rock stays winning in the end...
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You have all been played. The Rock is getting Cena over with the IWC and the Smarks. He's doing what nobody, including Cena could do. He's making you guys like him. Interesting. Real interesting.

Word, I'm not gonna lie...Cena got to him. First time in a while I've seen Rock flustered. You could tell that $!#@ bothered him.

I do have a problem with Cena breaking kayfabe to make all his points though.
It's WWE's attempt to win him over with the smark/old school fans but it's real silly. Where was this the past 8 years when crowds completely $!#@ on his corny !%+ during main events? He's completely out of character and it puts Rock in a tough place because you KNOW he wants to get back @ him playing the same game but he has to respect the environment he's in. It's an underhanded move on Cena/WWE's part.
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